ytti / oxidized

Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool. It's a RANCID replacement!
Apache License 2.0
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Oxidized Won't Start #1539

Closed nistone1212 closed 6 years ago

nistone1212 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm not fluent with Linux or programming, so sorry if I'm just doing something obviously wrong here. But I'm having an issue with our Oxidized instance. I had to reboot our server the other day due to an unrelated issue with our LibreNMS instance. After doing so, Oxidized would not start. Attempting to start it by running the command "oxidized" would result in a long HTML error that started with "765: unexpected token at '<!DOCTYPE html>". I couldn't find anyone else with that issue after googling so I ended up uninstalling Oxidized, renaming the oxidized folders that had config files (there were a couple folders for some reason), rebooting, then reinstalling using the commands "gem install oxidized" and "gem install oxidized-script oxidized-web". (I've also tried "umask 022; gem install oxidized" and "umask 022; gem install oxidized-web" which I saw referenced in another thread).

After reinstalling, if I try to run oxidized, it would give an error saying: "No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/oxidized/.config/oxidized/pid /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/oxidized-0.24.0/lib/oxidized/cli.rb:65:in initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/oxidized/.config/oxidized/pid (Errno::ENOENT) from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/oxidized-0.24.0/lib/oxidized/cli.rb:65:inopen' from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/oxidized-0.24.0/lib/oxidized/cli.rb:65:in write_pid' from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/oxidized-0.24.0/lib/oxidized/cli.rb:9:inrun' from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/oxidized-0.24.0/bin/oxidized:8:in <top (required)>' from /usr/local/bin/oxidized:23:inload' from /usr/local/bin/oxidized:23:in `


And I verified the folder /var/oxidized/ does not exist. If I create a blank file /var/oxidized/.config/oxidized/pid and type in "oxidized" then I get that same html error I would get before reinstalling. Any ideas? I've spent way too much time trying to figure this out on my own and don't know what to try next. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

Ramshield commented 6 years ago

What OS are you running? Ubuntu? Debian?

What does your oxidized.service file say? Did you change the home directory there? Just some mild guesses, have been a Oxidized user since a few weeks...

laf commented 6 years ago

Your first error looks like the API source isn't returning valid json. You can confirm that by doing curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURTOKEN' http://librenms_url/api/v0/oxidized

nistone1212 commented 6 years ago

Your first error looks like the API source isn't returning valid json. You can confirm that by doing curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURTOKEN' http://librenms_url/api/v0/oxidized

Running that command returns this output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
    <style>            body { background-color: #F9F9F9; color: #222; font: 14px/1.4 Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 45px; }

        a { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; }
        a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
        abbr[title] { border-bottom: none; cursor: help; text-decoration: none; }

        code, pre { font: 13px/1.5 Consolas, Monaco, Menlo, "Ubuntu Mono", "Liberation Mono", monospace; }

        table, tr, th, td { background: #FFF; border-collapse: collapse; vertical-align: top; }
        table { background: #FFF; border: 1px solid #E0E0E0; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px rgba(128, 128, 128, .2); margin: 1em 0; width: 100%; }
        table th, table td { border: solid #E0E0E0; border-width: 1px 0; padding: 8px 10px; }
        table th { background-color: #E0E0E0; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; }

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        .text-muted { color: #999; }

        .container { max-width: 1024px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 15px; }
        .container::after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; }

        .exception-summary { background: #B0413E; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); flex: 0 0 auto; margin-bottom: 30px; }

        .exception-message-wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; min-height: 70px; }
        .exception-message { flex-grow: 1; padding: 30px 0; }
        .exception-message, .exception-message a { color: #FFF; font-size: 21px; font-weight: 400; margin: 0; }
        .exception-message.long { font-size: 18px; }
        .exception-message a { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); font-size: inherit; text-decoration: none; }
        .exception-message a:hover { border-bottom-color: #ffffff; }

        .exception-illustration { flex-basis: 111px; flex-shrink: 0; height: 66px; margin-left: 15px; opacity: .7; }

        .trace + .trace { margin-top: 30px; }
        .trace-head .trace-class { color: #222; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.3; margin: 0; position: relative; }

        .trace-message { font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; margin: .5em 0 0; }

        .trace-file-path, .trace-file-path a { color: #222; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 13px; }
        .trace-class { color: #B0413E; }
        .trace-type { padding: 0 2px; }
        .trace-method { color: #B0413E; font-weight: bold; }
        .trace-arguments { color: #777; font-weight: normal; padding-left: 2px; }

        @media (min-width: 575px) {
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<div class="exception-summary">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="exception-message-wrapper">
            <h1 class="break-long-words exception-message">Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Check your librenms.log.</h1>
            <div class="exception-illustration hidden-xs-down"><svg viewBox="0 0 136 81" xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.414"><path d="M92.358 20.403a23.168 23.168 0 0 1 9.003 1.881 23.67 23.67 0 0 1 5.197 3.079 24.257 24.257 0 0 1 3.457 3.296 24.771 24.771 0 0 1 5.042 9.396c.486 1.72.78 3.492.895 5.28l. 1.021-.059.021-.005.032-.029.048-.044l.095-.1c.243-.265.461-.552.663-.851.277-.408.523-.837.746-1.279l.042-.087c-.066-.012-.131-.026-.197-.04l-.099-.023a5.536 5.536 0 0 1-.694-.242 5.649 5.649 0 0 1-2.374-1.845 5.694 5.694 0 0 1-.824-1.594 6.514 6.514 0 0 1-.267-2.781c.045-.394.126-.779.233-1.159.079-.278.162-.562.307-.812.094-.163.129-.196.247-.341l.79-.882c.143-.143.174-.186.34-.303.249-.174.536-.289.834-.333.074-.011.15-.014.224-.02l1.188-.037c.173.004.217-.002.388.028s.211.05.375.105l.018.007c. 1.032.396.162.094.316.199.469.308. 1.428c. 7.79 0 0 1-.101.645c-.09.455-.212.901-.365 1.339-.128.366-.273.73-.445 1.077-.658 1.335-1.652 2.512-2.917 3.265a6.399 6.399 0 0 1-1.019.489 6.097 6.097 0 0 1-.631.203c-.226.058-.455.1-.686.134l-.096.012-.061.007c-.01.176-.022.352-.036.528-.034.39-.082.778-.153 1.163a14.258 14.258 0 0 1-.574 2.114c-.229.654-.484 1.306-.806 1.918a9.16 9.16 0 0 1-.386.656c-.219.348-.451.686-.697 1.013-.448.594-.946 1.148-1.521 1.614-.255.207-.52.397-.808.553-.9.489-1.919.648-2.921.735-.493.038-.986.059-1.478.099-.162.015-.324.033-.486.049-.145.011-.289.022-.434.03a15.768 15.768 0 0 1-2.778-.118c0 1.416.007 2.832-.001 4.248a9.737 9.737 0 0 1-.684 3.479 9.615 9.615 0 0 1-1.72 2.804 9.326 9.326 0 0 1-3.04 2.279 9.046 9.046 0 0 1-5.33.715 9.064 9.064 0 0 1-2.988-1.079 9.363 9.363 0 0 1-2.761-2.429 10.078 10.078 0 0 1-1.05 1.16 9.281 9.281 0 0 1-1.871 1.358 9.033 9.033 0 0 1-2.495.926 9.04 9.04 0 0 1-6.462-1.072 9.395 9.395 0 0 1-2.602-2.292l-.062-.08a10.896 10.896 0 0 1-.53.635 9.266 9.266 0 0 1-2.671 2.032 9.028 9.028 0 0 1-6.044.751 9.048 9.048 0 0 1-2.436-.934 9.343 9.343 0 0 1-2.286-1.803 9.572 9.572 0 0 1-1.783-2.757 9.705 9.705 0 0 1-.773-3.693V67.244c-.157.024-.314.047-.472.067-.487.06-.977.103-1.469.109-.313.004-.627-.009-.94-.028-.426-.025-.85-.065-1.273-.125-1.833-.264-3.65-.92-5.109-2.117a8.172 8.172 0 0 1-1.064-1.049 10.155 10.155 0 0 1-.878-1.236 15.277 15.277 0 0 1-.7-1.274 20.835 20.835 0 0 1-1.889-6.194l-.018-.142-.008-.061a6.47 6.47 0 0 1-.99-.297 6.135 6.135 0 0 1-.61-.285 6.587 6.587 0 0 1-.889-.562c-1.228-.924-2.124-2.259-2.668-3.711a9.947 9.947 0 0 1-.307-.99 10.288 10.288 0 0 1-.318-1.923c-.009-.147-.011-.293-.015-.44v-.037c.008-.175.004-.22.037-.393.033-.173.053-.213.11-.378l.561-1.417c.031-.068.06-.139.095-.206a2.028 2.028 0 0 1 .771-.803c.093-.054.194-.095.289-.145l.311-.179c.352-.194.714-.358 1.107-.44.213-.044.426-.061.643-.061l.034.001c. 1.004c. 1.566-.321 2.307a5.906 5.906 0 0 1-.532 1.183 5.463 5.463 0 0 1-3.257 2.489l-.03.008c.195.584.433 1.155.712 1.701.215.422.453.833.735 1.461-.06.167-.028.333-.062.499-.089.134-.022.267-.042.401-.066l.28-.056c.154-.023.308-.049.462-.076l.115-.021V43.881c.011-.203.006-.203.042-.404a26.66 26.66 0 0 1 .226-2.241 24.737 24.737 0 0 1 5.72-12.577 24.204 24.204 0 0 1 3.457-3.296 23.653 23.653 0 0 1 4.937-2.966 23.215 23.215 0 0 1 5.604-1.681 23.703 23.703 0 0 1 3.958-.313zm-.287 2.042a21.169 21.169 0 0 0-8.012 1.622 21.636 21.636 0 0 0-4.799 2.766 22.233 22.233 0 0 0-3.205 2.985 22.705 22.705 0 0 0-4.897 9.196 23.383 23.383 0 0 0-.737 4.867h-.025v15.744c-.258.053-.258.052-.517.101-.28.051-.56.1-.841.144-.211.04-.421.079-.632.115l-.232.037-.411.078c-.116.02-.233.035-.348.057-.305.056-.609.11-.917.14a9.929 9.929 0 0 1-1.883-.017c-.514-.056-1.044-.155-1.51-.397a1.762 1.762 0 0 1-.33-.218 1.925 1.925 0 0 1-.234-.252 5.248 5.248 0 0 1-.174-.22 8.97 8.97 0 0 1-.582-.883 13.806 13.806 0 0 1-.941-1.971 14.348 14.348 0 0 1-.608-1.954 14.04 14.04 0 0 1-.169-.86l-.015-.11-.015-.109c.161-.007.16-.007.321-.016a12.793 12.793 0 0 0 1.413-.182 4.43 4.43 0 0 0 .28-.074 3.56 3.56 0 0 0 1.199-.616c.309-.244.576-.543.786-.88.163-.261.292-.544.387-.838.123-.378.192-.774.214-1.172a5.102 5.102 0 0 0-.024-.865 7.192 7.192 0 0 0-.145-.799l-.714-1.005-1.184-.182-.019.005-.946.758-.12 1.229a4.953 4.953 0 0 1 .111.455c. 1.04 0 0 1-.056.303c-.11.301-.419.451-.696.548-.402.142-.813.25-1.229.339l.07-.648c.022-.191.047-.381.08-.57.036-.207.079-.413.152-.61.077-.211.182-.412.296-.605.044-.074.092-.146.135-.222.029-.048.031-.047.055-.098.016-.033.031-.064.045-.098l-.026-1.551-1.042-1.116-.018-.008-1.459-.014-1.022 1.079c-.049.128-.08.258-.111.393a5.274 5.274 0 0 0-.1.651 5.55 5.55 0 0 0-.031.466c-.009.687.104 1.37.294 1.123-.115-.029-.228-.06-.342-.092a9.526 9.526 0 0 1-1.176-.446c-.108-.05-.111-.048-.191-.097a1.921 1.921 0 0 1-.327-.249c-.416-.4-.589-.986-.671-1.55a5.643 5.643 0 0 1-.057-.549c-.007-.143-.006-.286-.007-.429-.001-.186.005-.372.011-.558l.001-.039-.567-1.446-1.347-.634c-.316-.008-.599.144-.867.299-.109.063-.218.126-.33.185a2.058 2.058 0 0 1-.125.061l-.042.019-.561 1.416c0 .209.014.416.036.624.04.377.106.75.196 1.109 1.093 2.146 2.043 2.838.234.171.485.317.746.442.183.088.371.161.565. 18.13 0 0 0 .762 3.752c.239.76.522 1.505.857 1.308 1.001 1.028 2.324 1.648 3.687 1.976.643.155 1.298.243 1.955.287.311.021.622.036.933.033.418-.006.835-.041 1.25-.094.238-.03.477-.064.713-.11.117-.023.232-.053.348-.081.196-.048.392-.097.586-.151.147-.041.291-.094.436-.144.204-.069.408-.139.608-.217l.006-.003c0 2.207-.013 4.414.001 6.62a7.942 7.942 0 0 0 .13 1.32 7.545 7.545 0 0 0 2.383 4.243 7.23 7.23 0 0 0 2.258 1.372 7.094 7.094 0 0 0 7.012-1.164 7.504 7.504 0 0 0 2.035-2.613 7.727 7.727 0 0 0 .676-2.401l.009-.088.038-.765a8.16 8.16 0 0 0 .113 1.324c.121.694.338 1.37.643 2.001a7.49 7.49 0 0 0 1.692 2.275 7.266 7.266 0 0 0 2.24 1.399 7.11 7.11 0 0 0 4.615.19 7.212 7.212 0 0 0 2.351-1.218 7.501 7.501 0 0 0 2.128-2.64 7.763 7.763 0 0 0 .702-2.39l.01-.088.009-.088.038-.765a9.339 9.339 0 0 0 .021.575 7.626 7.626 0 0 0 .621 2.504 7.507 7.507 0 0 0 2.35 2.972 7.1 7.1 0 0 0 7.026.881 7.275 7.275 0 0 0 2.268-1.515 7.525 7.525 0 0 0 1.612-2.338 7.58 7.58 0 0 0 .572-2.033c.048-.347.069-.696.071-1.046v-6.721c. 12.153 0 0 0 1.976.443c.264.035.529.055.794. 1.221-.079a9.493 9.493 0 0 0 1.384-.188c.315-.073.626-.174.912-.329a3.53 3.53 0 0 0 .586-.418c.46-.386.85-.85 1.205-1.337a12.178 12.178 0 0 0 .801-1.246c.122-.232.229-.471.33-.712a15.873 15.873 0 0 0 .681-1.988c.136-.525.23-1.058.282-1.598.035-.41.052-.822.088-1.232.03-.317.078-.632.121-.947l.018-.145.016-.145c. 1.378-.07a4.456 4.456 0 0 0 1.353-.482c.989-.55 1.752-1.466 2.258-2.488.116-.235.214-.48.304-.727a7.58 7.58 0 0 0 .377-1.43c.016-.109.027-.218.039-.328l.001-.009-.438-1.428a5.206 5.206 0 0 1-.16-.096c-.158-.105-.311-.219-.467-.326a3.829 3.829 0 0 0-.159-.1 1.356 1.356 0 0 0-.509-.18l-.01-.001-1.386.452-.681 1.323c-.016.212-.023.424-.043.636a5.66 5.66 0 0 1-.139.873c-.118.494-.316.999-.702 1.338a1.865 1.865 0 0 1-.496.301l-.272.087a9.57 9.57 0 0 1-.83.205 8.797 8.797 0 0 1-.582.091l.229-.462c.079-.163.158-.325.229-.492.051-.118.096-.239.139-.36.036-.103.076-.209.103-.315.019-.075.031-.153.041-.229.017-.132.031-.263.043-.395.035-.368.06-.737.094-1.104.02-.187.048-.372.067-.559.015-.167.015-.336.012-.505a4.76 4.76 0 0 0-.074-.826c-.012-.065-.03-.13-.045-.194l-.003-.009-.923-1.157-1.446-.159-.019.006-1.124.95-.154 1.489c. 9.588 0 0 1-.862-.323c-.063-.027-.128-.062-.193-.084a1.325 1.325 0 0 0-.067-.013c-.081-.01-.162-.017-.243-.025-.245-.02-.49-.037-.734-.061-.066-.007-.132-.014-.198-.028l-.017-.005c-.03-.013-.029-.014-.067-.038a1.614 1.614 0 0 1-.161-.108.863.863 0 0 1-.22-.242c-.089-.155-.102-.34-.09-.517.02-.299.117-.591.228-.866l.004-.009-.018-1.197-.874-.84-.018-.007-1.188.036-.79.882c-.037.112-.074.224-.106.338a4.756 4.756 0 0 0-.171 1.906c.039.329.115.654.233.963a3.542 3.542 0 0 0 1.263 1.636c.313.222.659.393 1.019.517.237.082.487.111.734.145.479.06.959.106 1.438. 12.12 0 0 1-.923 2.565 13.221 13.221 0 0 1-.829 1.474 9.474 9.474 0 0 1-.984 1.286c-.08.087-.163.17-.248.252a1.655 1.655 0 0 1-.329.262 2.376 2.376 0 0 1-.722.247c-.457.089-.927.093-1.39.071-.391-.018-.781-.06-1.168-.123a7.817 7.817 0 0 1-.609-.124c-.226-.056-.448-.124-.671-.191-.065-.019-.131-.035-.197-.054a14.75 14.75 0 0 1-.543-.165 23.384 23.384 0 0 1-.453-.128c-.196-.059-.195-.059-.39-.12l-.276-.077V43.881h-.025a34.633 34.633 0 0 0-.031-.557 23.606 23.606 0 0 0-.4-2.994 22.743 22.743 0 0 0-1.492-4.708 22.567 22.567 0 0 0-4.593-6.748 21.865 21.865 0 0 0-6.882-4.706 21.175 21.175 0 0 0-8.115-1.722l-.411-.001zm9.15 33.69c. 1.012 0 0 1 .574.771c. 8.38 0 0 1-.026.476 8.767 8.767 0 0 1-1.564 4.282c-.306.437-.65.846-1.024 1.222a10.09 10.09 0 0 1-4.612 2.627c-1.32.343-2.704.427-4.055.254a10.422 10.422 0 0 1-2.67-.709 9.917 9.917 0 0 1-3.57-2.503 9.312 9.312 0 0 1-.775-.984 8.933 8.933 0 0 1-.731-1.288 8.648 8.648 0 0 1-.795-3.377c-.003-.104-.008-.211 0-.316a1.042 1.042 0 0 1 .254-.609.98.98 0 0 1 1.337-.125 1.023 1.023 0 0 1 .385.719c. 6.547 0 0 0 .524 2.217c.257.595.599 1.15 1.006 1.648.325.398.691.759 1.087 1.081.312.253.642.482.987.684 2.592 1.522 5.945 1.538 8.553.047a7.982 7.982 0 0 0 1.069-.731 7.619 7.619 0 0 0 1.142-1.15 6.949 6.949 0 0 0 1.018-1.741 6.538 6.538 0 0 0 .467-2.425l.004-.084a1.012 1.012 0 0 1 .672-.876c.08-.028.158-.04.241-.05.082-.003.082-.003.164.001zm-70.51-12.426c-15.5.93-28.544-5.922-30.126-16.443C-1.156 15.689 11.64 4.024 29.14 1.235c17.501-2.79 33.123 4.345 34.864 15.922 1.575 10.475-8.749 21.021-23.691 25.001l.001.099a31.185 31.185 0 0 0 .042.833c. 4.723 0 0 0 .449 1.128c.192.332.434.628.702.898l.047.05c.151.139.302.275.461.403.24.192.492.367.748.537.474.314.962.6 1.457.877l.041.023.588.735-.729.586c-.376.112-.755.216-1.135.309a11.193 11.193 0 0 1-2.562.355 8.575 8.575 0 0 1-2.995-.486 8.461 8.461 0 0 1-.96-.413 11.194 11.194 0 0 1-1.836-1.152 13.345 13.345 0 0 1-1.07-.934c-.23-.221-.454-.448-.672-.681-.121-.129-.246-.258-.36-.395a23.448 23.448 0 0 1-1.328-1.773c-.051-.076-.049-.077-.095-.155l-.277-.477-.072-.13c-.081-.177-.159-.357-.238-.535l-.003-.01-.092-.707zm52.409-7.804c3.557 0 6.444 3.201 6.444 7.145 0 3.944-2.887 7.146-6.444 7.146s-6.444-3.202-6.444-7.146 2.887-7.145 6.444-7.145zm18.062 0c3.557 0 6.444 3.201 6.444 7.145 0 3.944-2.887 7.146-6.444 7.146s-6.444-3.202-6.444-7.146 2.887-7.145 6.444-7.145zM83.12 42.029c1.915 0 3.47 1.601 3.47 3.573s-1.555 3.573-3.47 3.573c-1.915 0-3.47-1.601-3.47-3.573s1.555-3.573 3.47-3.573zm17.846 0c1.915 0 3.47 1.601 3.47 3.573s-1.555 3.573-3.47 3.573c-1.915 0-3.47-1.601-3.47-3.573s1.555-3.573 3.47-3.573zM17.019 28c-.368 1.65-1.848 5.008-5.178 5.799-2.572.611-4.153-.815-4.544-2.559-.424-1.891.722-3.532 2.121-4.575a3.473 3.473 0 0 1-1.446-2.099c-.421-1.875.867-3.637 3.184-4.187 1.917-.455 3.185.248 3.462 1.482.265 1.184-.534 2.275-1.828 2.582-.878.209-1.574-.042-1.718-.683a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .044-.704s.287.227.894.083c.751-.179 1.086-.709.972-1.219-.14-.625-.892-.827-1.739-.626-1.054.25-2.06 1.096-1.713 2.642.232 1.036.871 1.56 1.483 1.813.245-.11.481-.183.688-.233.943-.224 1.48-.005 1.587.472.092.411-.144.935-1.166 1.178a3.255 3.255 0 0 1-1.548.004c-.837.771-1.58 1.883-1.27 3.264.276 1.234 1.267 2.125 2.944 1.726 2.598-.617 3.861-3.638 4.277-4.883-.353-.574-.615-1.153-.732-1.676-.107-.477.145-1.005.863-1.175.48-.114.702.127.846.769a2.77 2.77 0 0 1-.03.995c.209.331.443.622.735.951.616-1.983 1.369-3.877 1.737-3.964.591-.141 1.492.65 1.492.65-.815.644-1.689 2.376-2.333 4.158.804.658 1.627 1.103 2.139.982.43-.102.735-.577.95-1.151-.323-2.226.975-4.331 2.31-4.648.703-.167 1.257.204 1.39.796.114.51-.044 1.379-.854 1.745-.236-1.053-.672-1.348-.944-1.283-.495.117-.844 1.413-.538 2.778.232 1.037.712 1.529 1.351 1.377.756-.179 1.333-1.176 1.699-2.128-.265-2.095.877-4.166 2.221-4.486.671-.159 1.214.162 1.391.952.332 1.48-.986 2.885-2.173 3.444.265.734.673 1.053 1.281.909.96-.229 1.578-1.465 1.923-2.506-.125-1.267-.26-2.385-.406-3.035l-.055-.247s1.568-.286 1.778.652l.019.082c.238-.663.67-1.216 1.309-1.368.83-.197 1.526.504 1.755 1.524.497 2.22-.556 4.428-1.834 4.732-.368.087-.642.066-.883-.033.121 1.288.292 2.651.542 1.061.448 1.47-.464.11-1.797.392-1.978-.414-.16-.716-.342-3.206-.554-5.612-.504 1.107-1.311 2.192-2.441 2.46-1.008.24-1.685-.303-2.055-1.182-.491 1.082-1.281 2.148-2.381 2.409-.817.194-1.554-.117-1.988-1.013-.36.843-.875 1.555-1.54 1.713-.639.152-1.53-.295-2.4-1.024-.239.888-.384 1.668-.39 2.241 0 0-.701.028-.804-.433-.096-.427.065-1.436.341-2.61a10.315 10.315 0 0 1-.713-.848zm38.163-17.803c. 1.892.37 4.451.739 6.42-.065.61-.387 3.077-1.352 3.307-.192.045-.333-.06-.422-.454-.14-.626-.091-1.607-.293-2.512-.258-1.152-.782-1.686-1.517-1.511-.767.182-1.287 1.016-1.643 2.054-.022-.099-.053-.386-.093-.567-.211-.938-1.779-.652-1.779-.652a6.2 6.2 0 0 1 .457 1.364c. 1.135-.064.015-.128.031-.195.029a6.977 6.977 0 0 0-.126-.784c-.258-1.152-.871-2.011-1.526-1.855a.712.712 0 0 0-.423.291c-1.337.317-2.358 2.107-2.118 3.919-.214.889-.551 1.757-1.059 1.877-.415.099-.724-.452-1.03-1.817-.059-.263-.09-.706-.122-1.149.142-.64.177-1.237.081-1.665-.107-.477-.417-.733-.816-.638-.715.17-.909 1.75-.52 3.801-.238.92-.639 1.915-1.278 2.067-.464.11-.835-.27-1.012-1.059-.158-.708-.196-1.929-.236-3.08 1.201-.424 1.911-1.009 1.775-1.617-.114-.51-.739-.743-.739-.743s-.124.722-1.064 1.258c-.029-.582-.064-1.111-.137-1.44-.137-.609-.458-.914-1.688-.622.158.327.274.698.359 1.445-.611.128-.947.052-.947.052s-.1.457-.041.72c.078.345.432.348 1.364-.067 2.701.143 3.639.306 1.365 1.231 1.89 2.046 1.697.907-.216 1.539-1.275 1.914-2.36.407 1.245 1.031 1.955 1.951 1.736.731-.174 1.261-1.142 1.587-2.195.431.765 1.15 1.129 1.983.931 1.214-.289 1.742-1.54 1.835-2.775 0 0 .147-.018.243-.04.526-.125.949-.488 1.26-.915.04.788.053 1.518.194 1.081-.881 1.081-.881a3.93 3.93 0 0 1-.383-1.035c-.284-1.267.317-3.541.988-3.7.208-.049.377.257.492.767. 1.469c. 1.236 1.381 1.058 1.317-.313 2.07-2.634 2.178-3.956.228.157.536.175.909.086-.505-2.253.089-6.136-.298-7.864-.1-.444-1.001-.58-1.607-.583l-.467.037zM33.729 22.293c.415-.099.711.246.885 1.02.287 1.283-.222 2.616-.797 2.753-.191.045-.695-.025-.961-1.21-.025-.115-.051-.23-.061-.349.05-1.277.439-2.097.934-2.214zm-5.187.955c.271-.065.511.104.588.449.137.609-.338 1.345-1.275 1.966-.255-1.36.159-2.29.687-2.415zm18.032-.403c-.607.144-1.062-.458-1.239-1.248-.217-.97.001-2.097.644-2.457. 1.497 1.268 1.83-.017.749-.253 1.273-.748 1.391zm9.877-1.654c.103.461.496.714 1.039.585.799-.19.973-.993.847-1.553-.125-.559-.461-.93-.988-.805-.543.13-1.108.836-.898 1.773zm-14.21-5.442c-.104-.461-.497-.714-1.056-.581-.783.186-.972.993-.847 1.552.126.56.461.93.908.824.56-.133 1.172-1.006.995-1.795z" fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".6"></path></svg></div>

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What OS are you running? Ubuntu? Debian?

What does your oxidized.service file say? Did you change the home directory there? Just some mild guesses, have been a Oxidized user since a few weeks...

We are running Ubuntu. The service isn't the issue as I can't even run the oxidized command.

laf commented 6 years ago

That's not returning valid json hence why it's not working. You need to fix your librenms install. Closing this as it's not an oxidized issue.