Open LogicHuu opened 5 years ago
wide resnet fig 1
It depends on the input size. If the input image size is 64x64, the above result is normal. (Regarding the current implementation, ave-pool 8x8 should be replaced by global average pooling in order to reduce the dimensionality of the following flatten and fc layers...)
Yes, I agree with you. GAP is perfect. I mean that I do not understand why you do like this (using padding="same"). That do not reduce the dim. You know the input of avg-pool is NoneX16x16x512, the output of avg-pool is also NoneX16X16X512.
Omg, I got what you meant!
The problem is strides=(1, 1)
not padding="same"
I'll fix this issue.
AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(8, 8), strides=(1, 1), padding="same")(relu)
should be
AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(8, 8))(relu) # or 16
GlobalAveragePooling is better. I have try.
hi, yu: I want to ask the question about
pool = AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(8, 8), strides=(1, 1), padding="same")(relu)
The origin paper about w-resnet, the average pooling input size is 8X8, and pool_size(8, 8), the output is 1and now is padding="same", the output is (None, 16, 16, 512). And I do not understand the reason.
I hope you reply, thank you.