yuan-xiaohan / 4D-Myocardium-Reconstruction-with-Decoupled-Motion-and-Shape-Model

This repository contains the code for the ICCV'2023 paper "4D Myocardium Reconstruction with Decoupled Motion and Shape Model".
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Missing Data for Preprocessing #3

Open abdulkaderghandoura opened 3 weeks ago

abdulkaderghandoura commented 3 weeks ago

Dear Xiaohan,

Thank you for sharing the code and data. As discussed by the others, since the points/ directories are required to execute preprocess_data.py, will you also upload them? If not, please share the code to obtain them with the arguments explained.

Best regards, Abdulkader

yuan-xiaohan commented 3 days ago

Based on your suggestion, we have added points files to the dataset directory for you to view and download. You will see that each point cloud file consists of several "wireframes," with each wireframe being the cross-section of the mesh at each MRI slice position.