yuanbi / NeteaseUnpackTools

Netease game file decrypt tools.( .npk .nxs .pyc )
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Unknown opcodes #2

Open FeroxRev opened 4 years ago

FeroxRev commented 4 years ago


I've been using your unpack tools and they are great! However I'm unable to unpack a few encrypted pyc files. I have attached a file that's tripping over unknown opcode 173 and 0. I'm more than happy to help, however I'm a bit lost, because it seems like opcode 173 does not translate to any other opcode. Do you have any idea how to approach this?


FeroxRev commented 4 years ago

fyi: for some other pyc files I had to add opcode 8 which translates to opcode 95 and therefore changed map to multimap in netpyc, to allow multiple opcodes translating to 1 opcode.