yuang01 / hexo-theme-bamboo

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`{% link %}` tag doesn't handle ENGLISH titles with a comma (,) #24

Open lorezyra opened 2 years ago

lorezyra commented 2 years ago

This code is not only WET, but does not handle text with a comma ,...


Unfortunately, can't use the double-quote " mark as it's stripped before the args is populated. Propose using the back-tick ` mark instead. See my solution to this problem:

'use strict';

// {% link title, url %}
// {% link `title`, url, img %}
hexo.extend.tag.register('link', function(args) {
  let text = '';
  let url = '';
  let img = '';
  let result = '';
  //args are defaulted to space ` ` delimited...
  args = args.join(' ');
  // console.info("{% link {{args}} %}: ", args);
  //check for encapsulating back-tick (`) marks, if exist pull out title
  if (args.indexOf("`", 1) > 1 ) {
    //extract title from args
    text = args.split('`')[1];
    // console.log("   {% link {{text}} %}: ", text);
    // grab URL (& img)
    args = args.split('`')[2].split(",");
  } else {
    // console.info("   text not back-ticked encapsulated...");
    args = args.split(',');
    text = args[0].trim();
  //check for URL
  if (args.length >= 2) {
    url = args[1].trim();
    // console.log("   {% link {{url}} %}: ", url);
  //check for img
  if (args.length == 3) {
    img = args[2].trim();
    // console.log("   {% link {{img}} %}: ", img);

  if (url !== '') {
    // 发现如果不套一层 div 在其它可渲染 md 的容器中容易被分解
    result += '<div class="tagLink"><a class="link-card" title="' + text + '" href="' + url + '">';
    // left
    result += '<div class="left">';
    result += '<img src="' + (img || hexo.theme.config.tag_plugins.linkImg) + '"/>';
    result += '</div>';
    // right
    result += '<div class="right"><p class="text">' + text + '</p><p class="url">' + url + '</p></div>';
    result += '</a></div>';
  return result;

hexo.extend.tag.register('linkgroup', function(args, content) {
  let ret = '';
  ret += '<div class="link-group">';
  ret += content;
  ret += '</div>';
  return ret;
}, {ends: true});

The comma is often used in languages with the alphabet and is required in certain cases. Please consider updating this function. My version is backwards compatible with existing link tags that don't use a back-tick to denote a title.