yuanjun-gao / ICCV2023_SLAM_Challenge

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groundtruth #31

Open liliang2655 opened 3 months ago

liliang2655 commented 3 months ago

QQ20240402-103328 Hello, where can I find the groundtruth files of these data sets? Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

shibowing commented 2 months ago

Hi all, Thanks for try our dataset!

The first ICCV SLAM Challenge has concluded. We have summarized the winning teams’ solutions and provided a detailed analysis of the submitted results. For more insights, please review our Paper.In response to your requests, we have open-sourced our Ground Truth on our website  to facilitate easier evaluation. 

Looking ahead, we will release more datasets with Ground Truth. Stay tuned for more details! To stay informed with the latest updates, be sure to sign up for our mailing list

Let me know if there is something missing! 



liliang2655 commented 2 months ago

Hi all, Thanks for try our dataset!

The first ICCV SLAM Challenge has concluded. We have summarized the winning teams’ solutions and provided a detailed analysis of the submitted results. For more insights, please review our Paper.In response to your requests, we have open-sourced our Ground Truth on our website to facilitate easier evaluation.

Looking ahead, we will release more datasets with Ground Truth. Stay tuned for more details! To stay informed with the latest updates, be sure to sign up for our mailing list

Let me know if there is something missing!



Thank you for your work. I have one more question: In the above dataset, have you calibrated the intrinsic parameters (such as noise and random walk) of the IMU? In SLAM systems like orb3 and VINS, these IMU intrinsic parameters are required; currently, I'm unsure where to locate these parameters.

liliang2655 commented 2 months ago

Hi all, Thanks for try our dataset!

The first ICCV SLAM Challenge has concluded. We have summarized the winning teams’ solutions and provided a detailed analysis of the submitted results. For more insights, please review our Paper.In response to your requests, we have open-sourced our Ground Truth on our website to facilitate easier evaluation.

Looking ahead, we will release more datasets with Ground Truth. Stay tuned for more details! To stay informed with the latest updates, be sure to sign up for our mailing list

Let me know if there is something missing!



Could you please tell me where I can find some classic YAML configuration files for SLAM, such as orb3, vinsmono, and so on