yuanqili78 / SED-Net

Surface and Edge Detection for Primitive Fitting of Point Clouds,SIGGRAPH 2023
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How to obtain the input files for arg2mesh.py? #12

Open lx1037 opened 3 months ago

lx1037 commented 3 months ago

How can I obtain the input for arg2mesh.py, which are txt file and json file containing param information? Is there a specific program I should run to generate these files?

if __name__ == "__main__": arg2mesh("E:\\arg2mesh\\test\\output\\","E:\\arg2mesh\\test\\param_4147.txt","E:\\arg2mesh\\test\\param_inter_lines_4147.json")

wl8915 commented 2 months ago

I have the same problem. I found that the network code can only provide instance segmentation of the complete point cloud (.txt), and does not include the generation of mesh and the acquisition of edge mentioned in the paper (not conclude .json script).

Rangiant5b72 commented 2 months ago

I have the problem, too. Could you provide an example of the files ‘param_4147.txt’ and 'param_inter_lines_4147.json'? Thanks so much!

yuanqili78 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I have uploaded the fitting codes at 'Fitting_patches_and_edges'. Youcan use the primitive_forward_v2.py to calculate the patches and edges from output files from SED-Net, and then use arg2mesh.py to generate mesh.

huangjund commented 1 month ago

When I use primitive_forward_v2.py, I noticed a splinenet model is used.

` def init(self, sample_ratio, closed_splinenet_path="splinenet/ckpt/train_closed_spline_1_700_0.9_bt_36_lr_0.001_trsz_28000_tsz_3000_wght_0.9.pth",



Could you also provide these two pretrained model? Thanks!

Rangiant5b72 commented 1 month ago

You can find the pretrain spline-net here https://github.com/SimingYan/HPNet, in the 'log/pretrained_model' directory.