yuanzhi-zhu / DiffPIR

"Denoising Diffusion Models for Plug-and-Play Image Restoration", Yuanzhi Zhu, Kai Zhang, Jingyun Liang, Jiezhang Cao, Bihan Wen, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool.
MIT License
337 stars 25 forks source link

hi,I tried to reason with my own photo when it showed this. #15

Closed webe998 closed 11 months ago

webe998 commented 11 months ago

E:\DiffPIR>python main_ddpir_sisr.py LogHandlers setup! 23-07-30 10:47:38.869 : model_name:diffusion_ffhq_10m, sr_mode:blur, image sigma:0.050, model sigma:0.050 23-07-30 10:47:38.871 : eta:0.000, zeta:0.100, lambda:1.000, guidance_scale:1.00 23-07-30 10:47:38.871 : start step:999, skip_type:quad, skip interval:10, skipstep analytic steps:0 23-07-30 10:47:38.871 : analytic iter num:1, gamma:0.01 23-07-30 10:47:38.871 : Model path: model_zoo\diffusion_ffhq_10m.pt 23-07-30 10:47:38.871 : C:\Users\weber\Desktop\my_lq Setting up [LPIPS] perceptual loss: trunk [vgg], v[0.1], spatial [off] C:\Users\weber\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\torchvision\models_utils.py:208: UserWarning: The parameter 'pretrained' is deprecated since 0.13 and may be removed in the future, please use 'weights' instead. warnings.warn( C:\Users\weber\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\torchvision\models_utils.py:223: UserWarning: Arguments other than a weight enum or None for 'weights' are deprecated since 0.13 and may be removed in the future. The current behavior is equivalent to passing weights=VGG16_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1. You can also use weights=VGG16_Weights.DEFAULT to get the most up-to-date weights. warnings.warn(msg) Loading model from: C:\Users\weber\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\lpips\weights\v0.1\vgg.pth 23-07-30 10:47:39.953 : --------- sf:4 --k: 0 --------- 23-07-30 10:47:39.955 : eta:0.000, zeta:0.250, lambda:2.000, inIter:1.000, gamma:0.010, guidance_scale:1.00 Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\DiffPIR\main_ddpir_sisr.py", line 502, in main() File "E:\DiffPIR\main_ddpir_sisr.py", line 485, in main test_results_ave = testrho(lambda, zeta=zeta_i, model_output_type=model_output_type) File "E:\DiffPIR\main_ddpir_sisr.py", line 298, in test_rho x0 = utils_model.model_fn(x, noise_level=curr_sigma255, model_out_type=model_out_type, \ File "E:\DiffPIR\utils\utils_model.py", line 221, in model_fn out = diffusion.p_sample( File "E:\DiffPIR\guided_diffusion\gaussian_diffusion.py", line 422, in p_sample out = self.p_mean_variance( File "E:\DiffPIR\guided_diffusion\respace.py", line 91, in p_mean_variance return super().p_mean_variance(self._wrap_model(model), args, kwargs) File "E:\DiffPIR\guided_diffusion\gaussian_diffusion.py", line 260, in p_mean_variance model_output = model(x, self._scale_timesteps(t), model_kwargs) File "E:\DiffPIR\guided_diffusion\respace.py", line 128, in call return self.model(x, new_ts, *kwargs) File "C:\Users\weber\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 1190, in _call_impl return forward_call(input, **kwargs) File "E:\DiffPIR\guided_diffusion\unet.py", line 660, in forward h = th.cat([h, hs.pop()], dim=1) RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Expected size 24 but got size 25 for tensor number 1 in the list.

yuanzhi-zhu commented 11 months ago

@webe998 I think this error comes from the incorrect size of the input image.

Due to the limit of the pre-trained models we use, the images should better have a size 256 * 256.
