yuanzhoulvpi2017 / zero_nlp

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chinese_bloom通过ds训练报错:RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:1 and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument weight in method wrapper_CUDA__native_layer_norm) #123

Open shaoqing404 opened 1 year ago

shaoqing404 commented 1 year ago

hi,我在尝试进行训练的过程中出现了问题,可否帮我关注一下? GPU配置:3090X2 系统:ubuntu20.04 我在网络上找到的一些解决方案可能有先入为主的误导:他们说因为是双卡在跑所以某些数据可能在另外一张卡上。。。 3090一张卡显存太小了,也许换一张显存大的会更好?


RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:1 and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument weight in method wrapper_CUDA__native_layer_norm)


错误信息: 位置信息如下

/File "/home/ash404/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py", line 2516, in layer_norm return torch.layer_norm(input, normalized_shape, weight, bias, eps, torch.backends.cudnn.enabled) RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:1 and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument weight in method wrapper_CUDA__native_layer_norm)

yuanzhoulvpi2017 commented 1 year ago


shaoqing404 commented 1 year ago

参考这个回答#118 (评论)


shaoqing404 commented 1 year ago

参考这个回答#118 (评论)


yuanzhoulvpi2017 commented 1 year ago
  1. 如果对于3b及3b以下的模型,其实你两块3090是可以直接全量微调的。
  2. 如果你要训练的是7b及7b以上的模型,那还是使用deepspeed-zero3,或者使用量化、lora、qlora等