yucornetto / MGMatting

This repository includes the official project of Mask Guided (MG) Matting, presented in our paper: Mask Guided Matting via Progressive Refinement Network
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Foreground color and alpha blending results #14

Open vishalnayak108 opened 3 years ago

vishalnayak108 commented 3 years ago

Hi, The mask I am getting is so accurate but when I am doing alpha blending on mask image to create image with no ackgound the results are not good. Can you please help me in this?

yucornetto commented 3 years ago

Hi, I think directly using the image as the foreground may not be optimal, that's why we use random alpha blending to train a network predicting foreground color. You can start with using traditional methods such as closed-form matting to predict a foreground maybe to see if it works.

ousinkou commented 3 years ago

@yucornetto Any plan to release the random alpha blending training code?

mexicantexan commented 1 year ago

@yucornetto Any plan to release the random alpha blending training code?