yucornetto / MGMatting

This repository includes the official project of Mask Guided (MG) Matting, presented in our paper: Mask Guided Matting via Progressive Refinement Network
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Weird matting in checkered patterned images #34

Open hackkhai opened 2 years ago

hackkhai commented 2 years ago

So, I really love MGmatting's work on guidance based matting, But i found this weird matting issue in checkered pattern shirts though the trimap had only grey area around the edges. I have attached a sample image trimap and output. I ran this command to test the model. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python infer.py --config ./config/MGMatting-RWP-100k.toml --checkpoint ../latest_model.pth --image-dir ./image/ --mask-dir ./masks/ --output ./ --image-ext .jpeg --mask-ext .png --guidance-thres 128 and i even tried guidance threshold to 127 same issue Can you help me solve this problem Thanks!

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