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jpd-breader a browser extension for mining with jpdb.io #68

Open sujalwastaken opened 3 months ago

sujalwastaken commented 3 months ago

jpd-breader is a great browser extension that allows you to mine vocabulary and words from the browser to jpdb.io; it can also work as a on the fly lookup look up such as yomichan. The extension is not very maintained or very stable but still provides a lot of value. Specifically when paired up with absplayer. It can provide text highlighting and the facility to mine vocabulary on the fly for YouTube videos. You can also parse text on any website. It can also be used for reading manga and reading text, look at the repository for more information. With a good setup I think this is a as good as paid service like migaku; I have attached a few screenshots just to show that.
YouTube YouTube ReadWok ReadWok The reason I want to add it here is because I always wanted something like this but had to dig a lot to find the perfect tools.