yufeih / Nine.Graphics

A real-time rendering library
MIT License
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What about tools? #6

Open amerkoleci opened 9 years ago

amerkoleci commented 9 years ago

Probably not the correct place, but how do you plan to support tools? Would you create tools in WPF? Or you would think on some cross platform UI solution?

Thank you

yufeih commented 9 years ago

Yes, there will be a small portable UI library build on top of this graphics stack. Unlike WPF, it'll be minimum so don't expect dependency properties, data binding, styling, etc.

Tools will be based on this UI library. I am going to start out with 2D, so initially the tools will only target very basic 2D placements.

amerkoleci commented 9 years ago

Definetelly like the idea, maybe you can take look at this one: https://github.com/grokys/Perspex

erictuvesson commented 9 years ago

I have made a private example of the UI we have in Engine Nine. It doesn't have any complex things, but I find that WPF is a bit to complex in some areas where it can be simple and still powerful.

If we are considering using it, I will make it public when this project is "usable".

game-libgdx-unity commented 8 years ago

it would be best if nine engine could have the UI likes Unity or similarity!