2024-11-16 18:16:47.240719 ERROR logging.go:30 Failed to query "select count(*) from public.\"table_1\"" for row count of "[CurrentName=(table_1) SourceName=(table_1) TargetName=()]": sql: database is closed
2024-11-16 18:16:47.240989 ERROR logging.go:30 Failed to query "select count(*) from public.\"table_2\"" for row count of "[CurrentName=(table_2) SourceName=(table_2) TargetName=()]": sql: database is closed
This happens when :
goroutine A is executing count(*) on table x
goroutines B,C,D,... are waiting to get access to the connection in order to execute count(*) on tables y,z,a,...
pg_dump completes, therefore as part of clean up in the main goroutine, we call source.DB().Disconnect() . which closes the connections that goroutines A,B,C,D are using/waiting to use.
goroutines A,B,C,D encounter error and exit the application.
Even though there are multiple tables being exported at the same time, there is only one connection in the pool for goroutines A,B,C,D. This is the reason there is a backlog of goroutines waiting to execute count(*). The pool size should be equal to parallel-jobs
The goroutine running count(*) on table X should be shut down after export of table X is complete. This does not happen as of now.
When goroutines A,B,C,D encounter an error, they should not bring down the process, they should silently log the error and continue, as this is not a critical process.
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Jira Link: DB-14122
Sample logs:
This happens when :
. which closes the connections that goroutines A,B,C,D are using/waiting to use.Fix:
Issue Type
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