yugecin / tsstats

Bot for teamspeak3 to collect data for generating statistics
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

tsstats banned ? #18

Closed ThatsPepe closed 1 year ago

ThatsPepe commented 1 year ago

I installed the script exactly according to the instructions and it always shows me the error in the nohup.out over time. Does anyone have an idea?

[6/12 20:56:00] <- error id=0 msg=ok [6/12 20:56:01] -- updated: 6 queries in 587ms [6/12 21:00:31] <- notifycliententerview cfid=0 ctid=46 reasonid=0 clid=15 client_unique_identifier=ServerQuery client_nickname=Unknown client_input_muted=0 client_output_muted=0 client_outputonly_muted=0 client_input_hardware=0 client_output_hardware=0 client_meta_data client_is_recording=0 client_database_id=9 client_channel_group_id=8 client_servergroups=1,19 client_away=0 client_away_message client_type=1 client_flag_avatar client_talk_power=75 client_talk_request=0 client_talk_request_msg client_description client_is_talker=0 client_is_priority_speaker=0 client_unread_messages=0 client_nickname_phonetic client_needed_serverquery_view_power=75 client_icon_id=0 client_is_channel_commander=0 client_country=DE client_channel_group_inherited_channel_id=46 client_badges client_myteamspeak_id client_integrations client_myteamspeak_avatar client_signed_badges [6/12 21:00:31] <- notifyclientleftview cfid=46 ctid=0 reasonid=8 reasonmsg=disconnecting clid=15 [6/12 21:01:00] er Received null response. Is this serverquery user (temp) banned? [6/12 21:01:00] er InterruptedException in job -- -- sleep interrupted 0 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) 1 at core.Job.run(Job.java:40) [6/12 21:01:00] er out of loop, reconnecting after 180000

yugecin commented 1 year ago

did you try adding the IP from where tsstats connects to query_ip_whitelist.txt?

alternatively you could try setting the b_client_ignore_antiflood permission for the servergroup that the query user is in

ThatsPepe commented 1 year ago

yes the server IP is added and b_client_ignore_antiflood is active for the server group. I've tried serveradmin access and it's the same there

yugecin commented 1 year ago

can you see in the log if this happens always after the same interval after the last time the bot sent a message to the server?

this might be the same that some other people experienced too, I'll see if I can work out something

ThatsPepe commented 1 year ago

Yes, the interval is always the same in the logs and I've also checked everything, only bant the server query permanently

yugecin commented 1 year ago

only bant the server query permanently

I don't understand this part, did the serverquery really get banned permanently?

yugecin commented 1 year ago

I made a new release: https://github.com/yugecin/tsstats/releases/tag/1.1 it adds a new config option: experimental_forcekeepalive, try adding it and setting it to yes (see https://github.com/yugecin/tsstats/blob/b99b0c311a9476f60b150312c74a57456e68c53d/tsstats.sample.ini#L31-L32)

ThatsPepe commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update, but the problem still persists The data is retrieved but every 2-3 intervals I get this error

er Received null response. Is this serverquery user (temp) banned? er InterruptedException in job -- -- sleep interrupted 0 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) 1 at core.Job.run(Job.java:40) er out of loop, reconnecting after 180000

yugecin commented 1 year ago

hmm I'm out of ideas then 😕

ThatsPepe commented 1 year ago

I think I found the error because I forgot to download the tsstats.jar from the update and now it to be working with the new config

so far everything looks good ;)

[9/12 14:11:12] -- updated: 6 queries in 433ms [9/12 14:11:27] -- Connected in 0 attempts [9/12 14:16:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 548ms [9/12 14:21:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 472ms [9/12 14:26:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 551ms [9/12 14:31:08] -- updated: 6 queries in 603ms [9/12 14:36:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 481ms

yugecin commented 1 year ago

Nice!! :D

ThatsPepe commented 1 year ago

you can add the link in examples/demo if you like https://tsstats.loyal-life.de/