Closed ThatsPepe closed 1 year ago
did you try adding the IP from where tsstats connects to query_ip_whitelist.txt
alternatively you could try setting the b_client_ignore_antiflood
permission for the servergroup that the query user is in
yes the server IP is added and b_client_ignore_antiflood is active for the server group. I've tried serveradmin access and it's the same there
can you see in the log if this happens always after the same interval after the last time the bot sent a message to the server?
this might be the same that some other people experienced too, I'll see if I can work out something
Yes, the interval is always the same in the logs and I've also checked everything, only bant the server query permanently
only bant the server query permanently
I don't understand this part, did the serverquery really get banned permanently?
I made a new release:
it adds a new config option: experimental_forcekeepalive
, try adding it and setting it to yes
Thank you for the update, but the problem still persists The data is retrieved but every 2-3 intervals I get this error
er Received null response. Is this serverquery user (temp) banned? er InterruptedException in job -- -- sleep interrupted 0 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) 1 at er out of loop, reconnecting after 180000
hmm I'm out of ideas then 😕
I think I found the error because I forgot to download the tsstats.jar from the update and now it to be working with the new config
so far everything looks good ;)
[9/12 14:11:12] -- updated: 6 queries in 433ms [9/12 14:11:27] -- Connected in 0 attempts [9/12 14:16:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 548ms [9/12 14:21:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 472ms [9/12 14:26:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 551ms [9/12 14:31:08] -- updated: 6 queries in 603ms [9/12 14:36:07] -- updated: 6 queries in 481ms
Nice!! :D
you can add the link in examples/demo if you like
I installed the script exactly according to the instructions and it always shows me the error in the nohup.out over time. Does anyone have an idea?
[6/12 20:56:00] <- error id=0 msg=ok [6/12 20:56:01] -- updated: 6 queries in 587ms [6/12 21:00:31] <- notifycliententerview cfid=0 ctid=46 reasonid=0 clid=15 client_unique_identifier=ServerQuery client_nickname=Unknown client_input_muted=0 client_output_muted=0 client_outputonly_muted=0 client_input_hardware=0 client_output_hardware=0 client_meta_data client_is_recording=0 client_database_id=9 client_channel_group_id=8 client_servergroups=1,19 client_away=0 client_away_message client_type=1 client_flag_avatar client_talk_power=75 client_talk_request=0 client_talk_request_msg client_description client_is_talker=0 client_is_priority_speaker=0 client_unread_messages=0 client_nickname_phonetic client_needed_serverquery_view_power=75 client_icon_id=0 client_is_channel_commander=0 client_country=DE client_channel_group_inherited_channel_id=46 client_badges client_myteamspeak_id client_integrations client_myteamspeak_avatar client_signed_badges [6/12 21:00:31] <- notifyclientleftview cfid=46 ctid=0 reasonid=8 reasonmsg=disconnecting clid=15 [6/12 21:01:00] er Received null response. Is this serverquery user (temp) banned? [6/12 21:01:00] er InterruptedException in job -- -- sleep interrupted 0 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) 1 at [6/12 21:01:00] er out of loop, reconnecting after 180000