yuhang559 / MITgcm_code

MIT General Circulation Model code and documentation.
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2. Read data and code in NCI #2

Open yuhang559 opened 12 months ago

yuhang559 commented 12 months ago

Some commands I used every day :)

walltime: it runs 2hs and 30mins

mem: require 68GB

software: I use the UTAS Matlab licence.

storage: The data files you can visit and read data. This requires getting approval from the group leaders through the NCI website.

the meaning of the file: like where to check the monthly mean data

yuhang559 commented 10 months ago

How to change the km to lat/lon in Matlab? Take the BedMachine data as an example: download the BedMachine and Antarctic Mapping Tools.

x=ncread('D:\validate\BedMachineAntarctica_2020-07-15_v02.nc','x'); y=ncread('D:\validate\BedMachineAntarctica_2020-07-15_v02.nc','y'); bed=ncread('D:\validate\BedMachineAntarctica_2020-07-15_v02.nc','bed'); x = double(x); y = double(y); [lat,lon] = ps2ll(x,y); [Z,Lat,Lon] = bedmachine_data('bed',[-71 -51],[90 114],'geo'); %%% draw the figure pcolor(Lon, Lat, Z); shading flat; colorbar axis([90 114 -67 -60]) xlabel('Longitude'); ylabel('Latitude'); colormap('jet') caxis([-4500 0]); title('BedMachine Antarctica') fig1

yuhang559 commented 9 months ago

momKE and velocity image