yuhangzang / OV-DETR

[Under preparation] Code repo for "Open-Vocabulary DETR with Conditional Matching" (ECCV 2022)
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About the selection of text and image conditional inputs ? #6

Open stonewst opened 2 years ago

stonewst commented 2 years ago

Hi, yuhang:

Thanks for your patient replies before! I still have a small question about the code of text and image conditional inputs selection.

As your code, clip_query = text_query * mask + img_query * (1 - mask) (line 308 in file ovdetr/models/model.py), the text and image conditional inputs are selected randomly by the mask generated by mask = (torch.rand(len(text_query)) < self.prob).float().unsqueeze(1).to(text_query.device) (line 302 in file ovdetr/models/model.py).

But, as the paper said, the text conditional inputs of novel classes cannot be used during training. So, the mask in line 302 of file ovdetr/models/model.py need to be further processed by setting the locations corresponding to novel classes to zero. Am I right?