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Use RxFlow Coordinator #10

Open yuhanle opened 4 years ago

yuhanle commented 4 years ago


借用官方的描述来说,RxFlow 是一个基于反应流协调器模式的 iOS 应用程序导航框架。



导航的抽象,负责持有 root 和执行 navigate 操作

/// A Flow defines a clear navigation area. Combined to a Step it leads to a navigation action
public protocol Flow: class, Presentable, Synchronizable {

    /// the Presentable on which rely the navigation inside this Flow. This method must always give the same instance
    var root: Presentable { get }

    /// Resolves FlowContributors according to the Step, in the context of this very Flow
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - step: the Step emitted by one of the Steppers declared in the Flow
    /// - Returns: the FlowContributors matching the Step. These FlowContributors determines the next navigation steps (Presentables to display / Steppers to listen)
    func navigate (to step: Step) -> FlowContributors

在其 extension 中,flowReadySubject 返回是否可以执行 Flow,并包装成 Single 命名为 rxFlowReady。


提供 Flow 的抽象,可以做到派发 Flow

/// A FlowContributor describes the next thing that will contribute to a Flow.
/// - contribute: the given stepper will emit steps (according to lifecycle of the given presentable) that will contribute to the current Flow
/// - forwardToCurrentFlow: the given step will be forwarded to the current flow
/// - forwardToParentFlow: the given step will be forwarded to the parent flow
public enum FlowContributor {
    /// the given stepper will emit steps, according to lifecycle of the given presentable, that will contribute to the current Flow
    case contribute(withNextPresentable: Presentable, withNextStepper: Stepper)
    /// the "withStep" step will be forwarded to the current flow
    case forwardToCurrentFlow(withStep: Step)
    /// the "withStep" step will be forwarded to the parent flow
    case forwardToParentFlow(withStep: Step)

    /// Shortcut static func that returns a .contribute(withNextPresentable: _, withNextStepper: _)
    /// in case we have a single actor that is a Presentable and also a Stepper
    /// - Parameter nextPresentableAndStepper
    /// - Returns: .contribute(withNextPresentable: withNext, withNextStepper: withNext)
    public static func contribute(withNext nextPresentableAndStepper: Presentable & Stepper) -> FlowContributor {
        return .contribute(withNextPresentable: nextPresentableAndStepper, withNextStepper: nextPresentableAndStepper)


RxFlow 的核心实现,协调处理 Flow 的流转,通过 coordinate 的 API 执行 Flow


public protocol Stepper {

    /// the relay used to emit steps inside this Stepper
    var steps: PublishRelay<Step> { get }

    /// the initial step that will be emitted when listening to this Stepper
    var initialStep: Step { get }

    /// function called when stepper is listened by the FlowCoordinator
    func readyToEmitSteps ()

默认是 NoneStep,readyToEmitSteps 是空实现


一个简单的 step,大部分场景可以直接使用


默认是 RxFlowStep.home


复杂场景下的 Step,合并多个 step,把初始 step 和下一个 step 关联起来

public func readyToEmitSteps() {

        let initialSteps = Observable<Step>.from(self.innerSteppers.map { $0.initialStep })

        let nextSteps = Observable<Step>
            .merge(self.innerSteppers.map { $0.steps.asObservable() })

            .bind(to: self.steps)
            .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)


不触发任何 step


根据业务生命周期,遵循 Flow 协议构造对应的 Flow,比如 APP 生命周期的 APPFlow,登录相关的 LoginFLow,设置的 SettingFLow 等。

多个 Flow 共享一个或多个 Step (具体看业务场景,独立业务内部可以自由约定) 约定,对外约定 GlobalStep,业务模块化粒度适中,尽量保证一个业务只有一个 GlobalStep 便于维护。

具体使用可以参考 RxFlowDemo 示例

执行 Step 的两种方式




