yuhua-chen / LayerX

An intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.
170 stars 22 forks source link

Control via Stream Deck #25

Open moonpost opened 3 years ago

moonpost commented 3 years ago

Feature Request: make it work with an Elgato Stream Deck so a user could change graphics, titles, etc, with a button push. Similar to how H2R Graphics (https://heretorecord.com/graphics/) works. Thanks.

moonpost commented 3 years ago

I should be more clear in my request... For example, if my monitor is set to 1920x1200 and I make graphics with transparent areas at 1920x1200 then I would like to be able to load new graphics on the fly, in the proper scale/position (set once and remembered), so I could bring up titles or graphics in a proper position for what I am demonstrating. Maybe I might have 20 or 30 or more graphics already made that I could call up on demand so perhaps LayerX would have a "playlist" of graphics and each slot/number could be called with a button press (sort of like a presentation).