yuhua-chen / MCLog

Xcode plugin for filtering the console area.
MIT License
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Last NSLog always missing #20

Closed hbmtw closed 8 years ago

hbmtw commented 9 years ago

For some reason, the plugin always "filters away" the last NSLog. For example: NSLog(@"Whats up"); NSLog(@"Whats up 2"); NSLog(@"Whats up 3");

gives: 2015-05-26 16:32:37.760 Dilemma[992:66937] Whats up 2015-05-26 16:32:37.760 Dilemma[992:66937] Whats up 2

Missing the last NSLog.

Crazy! But thanks for the plugin nonetheless, just messed with my head.

yuhua-chen commented 9 years ago

hmm it's same issue with #6 . Still can't find out. Can you tell me more details? How to reproduce this bug?

hbmtw commented 9 years ago

Well, Install the plugin And just in any viewDidLoad, write the above three NSLogs :)

yuhua-chen commented 8 years ago

Hi~ I use GCD instead of NSTimer to take care of parse output. Try latest version(d0029cc1366be0fb9d95e81b7b2ec2f3f42caaa0). Check if works or not.

yuhua-chen commented 8 years ago

Duplicated with #6. Let's discuss there.