yuhua-chen / MCLog

Xcode plugin for filtering the console area.
MIT License
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Search field missing for newly opened windows #41

Open julian-weinert opened 8 years ago

julian-weinert commented 8 years ago

When opening new windows using ⌘-⇧-T, the search field doesn't get added automatically. Instead I need to open the new window, quit Xcode and reopen.

Enhancement would be highly appreciated.

yuhua-chen commented 8 years ago

Does it happen all the time? Somehow I can reproduce this issue but mostly I can't. for now, I can't listen any better notifications than current ones when a window opens.

julian-weinert commented 8 years ago

Yep. Whenever I restart Xcode after opening a new window, it is there, whenever Xcode is running while doing so I have the problem. Reproducibility :100:

yuhua-chen commented 8 years ago

Got it. I will try to find out if there's another way to listen opening window event.

julian-weinert commented 8 years ago

I already started digging in the code. But unfortunately I don't have enough time to contribute myself at the moment...

yuhua-chen commented 8 years ago

Try out the latest commit(5761063) to see if the search filed shows up on different windows.

yuhua-chen commented 8 years ago

How did it go? if there's no question, i'm about to close this issue.