yuifu / millefy

Millefy: Genome browser-like visualization of single-cell RNA-seq dataset
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BAM file per single cell or bulk? #4

Open JihedC opened 2 years ago

JihedC commented 2 years ago

Hi @yuifu,

The tool you developed seems very nice and I would like to use it for on my dataset. Before starting I would like to check something with you and that I didn't understand from the documentation.

I have a BAM file for my scRNA that was generated from CellRanger or STAR solo. It contains all the reads with all barcodes. Shall I generate the bigwig file from this BAM file or shall I split it in 1 BAM file per cell?

I found another issue #3 where you mention that the user needs to split the BAM into single cell BAM using bxtools. But the previous issues does not seem to be solved.

Can you let me know how I should proceed?

Best wishes,
