func main() {
source2 := [This link won't be rendered correctly]( "This is the place where everything breaks")
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := goldmark.Convert([]byte(source2), &buf); err != nil {
5. What did you expect to see? :
The link should get rendered correctly with title attribute set.
6. What did you see instead? :
It get's rendered as
<p>[This link won't be rendered
correctly]( "This is the
place where everything breaks")</p>
Did you confirm your output is different from CommonMark online demo or other official renderer correspond with an extension?:
I tried going trough the source code and debug this issue, but I wasn't able to completely understand what all is happening in parseBlock function here
For the link label it advances the next line segment correctly but for the title text it doesn't.
Would like to send a fix if anyone can help me to understand why it's failing.
or faaafa55b6dfe9b833032a9728ef82e8f34d0b15go version go1.13.5 linux/amd64
Fedora 31 on amd64
import ( "fmt" "" "bytes" )
func main() { source2 :=
[This link won't be rendered correctly]( "This is the place where everything breaks")
I tried going trough the source code and debug this issue, but I wasn't able to completely understand what all is happening in parseBlock function here For the link label it advances the next line segment correctly but for the title text it doesn't. Would like to send a fix if anyone can help me to understand why it's failing.