yuin / gopher-lua

GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go
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Question: LState pooling #335

Closed szuecs closed 2 years ago

szuecs commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the great project!

Please answer the following before submitting your issue:

  1. What version of GopherLua are you using? : v0.0.0-20200603152657-dc2b0ca8b37e
  2. What version of Go are you using? : go version go1.16.5
  3. What operating system and processor architecture are you using? : linux/amd64

I have a question to validate, if my assumption and tests are correct and are fine to use.

To summarize I am maintainer of https://github.com/zalando/skipper proxy and we have a lua() filter that uses this project to implement it. A filter is an instance that is part of a route. It's not shared between routes. A user just needs to define code like this to execute lua code in request and response path:

function request(ctx, params) 
function response(ctx, params) 

Right now we use for every filter instance a separate lua statepool, but if you think about having 40000 routes and maybe 4000 routes with lua() filters we would have a huge amount of wasted memory or we would have to create LStates all the time.

Right now I am testing it more in depth and tried to share the LState pool. Basically I create at startup 10000 LState and put these into a buffered channel of size 10000. The function to create the LState:

 func newState() (*lua.LState, error) {
    L := lua.NewState()
    L.PreloadModule("base64", base64.Loader)
    L.PreloadModule("http", gluahttp.NewHttpModule(&http.Client{}).Loader)
    L.PreloadModule("url", gluaurl.Loader)
    L.PreloadModule("json", gjson.Loader)
    L.SetGlobal("print", L.NewFunction(printToLog))
    L.SetGlobal("sleep", L.NewFunction(sleep))
    return L, nil

When the filter is called, we get a LState from the pool and pass it and the compiled lua code from the filter to execute:

func createScript(L *lua.LState, proto *lua.FunctionProto) (*lua.LState, error) {
    err := L.PCall(0, lua.MultRet, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return L, nil

As far as I see it's not a documented behavior that we can reuse LState and overwrite the Request and Response functions with L.Push(), but it seems to work (tested locally with vegeta and some 10000s of requests).

Is it a safe assumption that overwriting a Function is fine? Maybe there is a better or safer way to do this. Do we leak resources that we need to cleanup?

Thanks, sandor

ZenLiuCN commented 2 years ago

i just made something glu, see the http server impl part maybe help.

  1. when register handler
    func compile(code string, path string) (*FunctionProto, error) {
    name := fmt.Sprintf("handler(%s)", path)
    chunk, err := parse.Parse(strings.NewReader(code), name)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return Compile(chunk, name)
  2. on request
    func executeHandler(chunk *FunctionProto, c *Ctx) {
    x := glu.Get()
    defer glu.Put(x)
    fn := x.NewFunctionFromProto(chunk)
    _ = CtxType.New(x, c)
    err := x.PCall(1, 0, nil)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("error handle %+v : %s", c.URL, err)
ZenLiuCN commented 2 years ago

the callFrame poped after call, so it may gc in next time. chunk is shared for every request.

szuecs commented 2 years ago

@ZenLiuCN I don't really understand how this is related. Maybe you can explain a bit more?

ZenLiuCN commented 2 years ago

If I'm not miss understand, your question is about pooling, right? As far as I see it's not a documented behavior that we can reuse LState in repo's readme there is an sample of pool.

  1. LState is not something ThreadSafe.
  2. LState is a lua vm instance.
  3. L.Push(L.NewFunctionFromProto(proto)) will create LFunction and push to stack
  4. L.PCall will execute on the stack, and then push result to stack if there are any. as function request(ctx, params) print(c.request.url); end there will no such action. check state.go:1970 you may see the implment.
  5. so it's safe in one LState to do such actions. and not need to do any resource release actions as I see.
func createScript(L *lua.LState, proto *lua.FunctionProto) (*lua.LState, error) {
    err := L.PCall(0, lua.MultRet, nil)
    if err != nil {
        L.Close()  -- <-- why do this ? even some error happened , this LState may remain useable.
        return nil, err
    return L, nil

Right now I am testing it more in depth and tried to share the LState pool. Basically I create at startup 10000 LState and put these into a buffered channel of size 10000. this is not right way, in my opinion. what I do in glu is same as

//region Pool
type statePool struct {
    m     sync.Mutex // lock to make threadsafe
    saved []*LState // if want to limit max size, may do some size check on put

func create() *statePool {
    return &statePool{saved: make([]*LState, 0, PoolSize)}

func (pl *statePool) get() *LState {
    defer pl.m.Unlock()
    n := len(pl.saved)
    if n == 0 {
        return pl.new()
    x := pl.saved[n-1]
    pl.saved = pl.saved[0 : n-1]
    return x

func (pl *statePool) new() *LState {
    L := NewState(Option)
    return L

func (pl *statePool) put(L *LState) {
        if L.IsClosed() { //closed should not be used again
        L.Pop(L.GetTop()) // this should clean stack
    defer pl.m.Unlock()
    pl.saved = append(pl.saved, L)

func (pl *statePool) Shutdown() {
    for _, L := range pl.saved {

ZenLiuCN commented 2 years ago

much more simply.

  1. LState is won't be polluted, as your example. and mostly it's safe to reuse.
  2. store LState in channel is confuse me. WHY?
  3. After check the source, maybe it's SHOUD NOT to L.Close() after call. --> not sure, I will do some benchmark to check it. my bench code

import ( lua "github.com/yuin/gopher-lua" "testing" ) var( chunk1 lua.FunctionProto chunk2 lua.FunctionProto )

func init() { var err error chunk1,err=CompileChunk(local a=1+1,bench) if err!=nil{ panic(err) } chunk2,err=CompileChunk(local a=1+1; assert(a~=2),bench) if err!=nil{ panic(err) }

} func BenchmarkPoolWithoutClose(b testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { x:=Get() if i%2==0{ x.Push(x.NewFunctionFromProto(chunk1)) }else{ x.Push(x.NewFunctionFromProto(chunk2)) } err := x.PCall(0, 0, nil) if err != nil { Put(x) continue } Put(x) } } func BenchmarkPoolWithClose(b testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { x:=Get() if i%2==0{ x.Push(x.NewFunctionFromProto(chunk1)) }else{ x.Push(x.NewFunctionFromProto(chunk2)) } err := x.PCall(0, 0, nil) if err != nil { x.Close() continue } Put(x) } }


goos: windows goarch: amd64 pkg: glu BenchmarkPoolWithoutClose BenchmarkPoolWithoutClose-8 319137 4039 ns/op 3573 B/op 29 allocs/op BenchmarkPoolWithClose BenchmarkPoolWithClose-8 13839 89173 ns/op 92805 B/op 414 allocs/op PASS

ZenLiuCN commented 2 years ago

another note:

  1. keep note that your user code never set something in global. Global is stored in LState
ZenLiuCN commented 2 years ago

here is a wrap solution for control Global pollution.

//StoredState take Env snapshot to protect from Global pollution
type StoredState struct {
    env  *LTable
    snap []LValue

//Polluted check if the Env is polluted
func (s *StoredState) Polluted() (r bool) {
    s.LState.Env.ForEach(func(k LValue, v LValue) {
        for _, value := range s.snap {
            if k == value {
        r = true

//snapshot take snapshot for Env
func (s *StoredState) snapshot() *StoredState {
    s.env = s.NewTable()
    s.LState.Env.ForEach(func(k LValue, v LValue) {
        s.env.RawSet(k, v)
        s.snap = append(s.snap, k)
    return s

//restore reset Env
func (s *StoredState) restore() (r *StoredState) {
    defer func() {
        rc := recover()
        if rc != nil {
            r = nil
    if s.Polluted() {
        s.LState.Env = s.NewTable()
        s.env.ForEach(func(k LValue, v LValue) {
            s.LState.Env.RawSet(k, v)
    return s
szuecs commented 2 years ago

@ZenLiuCN thanks so much. I will dig more into it when I have more time again and I will 100% consider to drop the Close(). The scenario is that we have a proxy that allows per route lua() scripting and if we can have a shared pool of LState. One thing I have to make sure is that code for a route is not overwritten.

LState is in a buffered channel, because the implementer in the past created it like this. It's also fine to have a channel as sync point, you do not need to lock/unlock. A matter of taste IMO.