yujitach / MenuMeters

my fork of MenuMeters by http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/menumeters/
GNU General Public License v2.0
3.02k stars 223 forks source link

Bug: Application Startup tries to mount Volumes from startup items #146

Open keenonkites opened 4 years ago

keenonkites commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have a smb volume mounted automatically during boot (via startup items of the user). This volume is only reachable while I'm in the office or connected to the office. If I try to start MenuMeters without this volume being accessible, it tries to reconnect the volume 3 times and I have to wait over a minute until it shows up. After that hassle it works fine, it's just about the startup.

I'm running on Catalina 10.15.3 and using MenuMeters v2.0.4. If you need more details or information, just let me know

keenonkites commented 4 years ago

It still happens on latest v2.0.6.1.

yujitach commented 4 years ago

I’m sorry but of course it happens, if it’s fixed in a release I say that explicitly here!

I have a couple of questions:

keenonkites commented 4 years ago

sorry, good to know. Often (other) products do not mention the complete changelist for minor bugs.

Do you have Disk meter in the menu bar?

Yes, it's showing up, but only after the startup procedure is finished and it either can connect to the volume or gives up after three times:

When you say the MenuMeters tries to mount the volume, is the volume already in the Finder sidebar (although inaccessible) before you launch MenuMeters, or is is that the volume is not in the Finder sidebar but MenuMeters tries to access it?

It's not visible in the Finder sidebar when the MenuMeters tries to access it. In the startup items/Login Items of the users it shows with a yellow triangle.

This startup item/Login Item has been created the normal way: mount with the finder (Connect to Server), then drag and drop the mounted drive to the startup items/Login Items. I'm not sure about the name of the startup items, possibly they're named with 'Login Items'. It's the one in the 'Users & Groups' Controlpanel when clicking on a specific user you have two options on the right: Password and Login Items. My Mac is running in German, sorry.

If you need more info, just let me know. Thanks

glcox commented 3 years ago

I have a laptop that wants to mount some NFS volumes at boot, but if the NFS server is down, MenuMeters causes multiple attempts at mounting. Same symptoms as OP.

The difference I have, though, is that I have 'Display Disk Activity Menu Meter' unchecked.