yukarinoki / reseach

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RTGPU: Real-Time GPU Scheduling of Hard Deadline Parallel Tasks with Fine-Grain Utilization #35

Open yukarinoki opened 6 months ago

yukarinoki commented 6 months ago


以下のようなプログラミングの技があるらしい Kshitij Gupta, Jeff A Stuart, and John D Owens. A study of persistent threads style gpu programming for gpgpu workloads. In Innovative Parallel Computing-Foundations & Applications of GPU, Manycore, and Heterogeneous Systems (INPAR 2012). IEEE, 2012.

Chao Yu, Yuebin Bai, Hailong Yang, Kun Cheng, Yuhao Gu, Zhongzhi Luan, and Depei Qian. Smguard: A flexible and finegrained resource management framework for gpus. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2018. [16] Bo Wu, Guoyang Chen, Dong Li, Xipeng Shen, and Jeffrey Vetter.

Enabling and exploiting flexible task assignment on gpu through sm-centric program transformations. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing. ACM, 2015.

yukarinoki commented 6 months ago



persistant threadのテクニック+streamでGPUの並列利用を完全にコントロールできる。

yukarinoki commented 6 months ago