yuki-kimoto / gitprep

Portable GitHub system into your own server
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Limit number of forked perl processes #167

Closed Zero3K closed 1 year ago

Zero3K commented 4 years ago

How do I do that? I have 5 perl processes running when running the web server on Windows 7 and would like to reduce that to 2 or 3 perl processes.

emil-perhinschi commented 1 year ago

Are you running with Apache ? 5 sounds like the number of workers Apache would start by default.

Hm, gitprep runs on hypnotoad by default: here are the docs https://docs.mojolicious.org/Mojo/Server/Hypnotoad , the configuration is "workers"

try this in gitprep.conf in the hypnotoad section

;;; Listen URL (default: http://*:10020)
emil-perhinschi commented 1 year ago

Tested, works as expected.

Issue can be closed.

yuki-kimoto commented 1 year ago
