yuki-kimoto / gitprep

Portable GitHub system into your own server
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displaying repos with default branch other than 'master' was not working #190

Closed emil-perhinschi closed 1 year ago

emil-perhinschi commented 1 year ago


I could import repos with 'main' default branch but displaying them was not working. Also the repos were not created correctly when imported. Some code was already there to support custom default branches so I made it work correctly both when importing and when displaying.

This requires git 2.28 which was released 2 years ago ... I tested with git 2.30, not with versions older that 2.28 so this might break backwards compatibility, assuming backwards compatibility is important in this context.

An easy to use script to restart hypnotoad is included too.

yuki-kimoto commented 1 year ago


this might break backwards compatibility, assuming backwards compatibility is important in this context.

Let's try it and see how it goes.

emil-perhinschi commented 1 year ago


emil-perhinschi commented 1 year ago


Can you assign to me the issues you think need solving or create issues and assign them to me if you think something needs to be done or is worth doing ?

I have some time on my hands and I'm not encumbered with work-for-hire contracts.

yuki-kimoto commented 1 year ago

Can you assign to me the issues you think need solving or create issues and assign them to me if you think something needs to be done or is worth doing ?


yuki-kimoto commented 1 year ago

Do you have bugs you'd like to fix or new features you'd like to add?

emil-perhinschi commented 1 year ago

so far I fixed all the bugs I found :-) but I did not test it all, only imported all my personal repos and starting using my instance of gitprep as a remote

this I see as a priority:

relatively low hanging fruits:

yuki-kimoto commented 1 year ago


Please post issues for adding new features in the order of your priority.

I can assign you to the issues.