yuki-uthman / vimpad.nvim

codi for vimscript... not quite but almost...
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Extension stopped working #1

Closed alac1984 closed 2 years ago

alac1984 commented 2 years ago

This extension was working just fine in my Neovim, and suddenly it stopped working. Now I hit refresh, toggle and nothing happens. I didn't change anything in my setup that I can expect to cause this break, with the exception of my regular updates on Ubuntu. I cannot confirm that Ubuntu updated Neovim package or anything (I rarely read what is being installed on a sudo apt upgrade), can only say that right now I'm using Neovim 0.6.1 right from Ubuntu 22.04 apt official repository.

I ran Neovim with V option to generate a runtime log and I saw that the keyboard commands are indeed calling the functions:

Executando BufWritePost Autocommands for "*.vim"
autocomando call vimpad#refresh()

linha 0: executando "/home/andre/.vim/bundle/nvim-vimpad/autoload/vimpad.vim"
fim da execução de /home/andre/.vim/bundle/nvim-vimpad/autoload/vimpad.vim
continuando em BufWritePost Autocommands for "*.vim"
Executando BufWritePost Autocommands for "*"
autocomando call s:reset_untracked_cache(0)

So, it's not something with the mapping, and (maybe?) not a update problem. Reading the log I can see vimpad executing (and no error between the execution lines, which I think is good). What could be the issue? I accept any tips on how can I debug this application in order to discover the problem. I really love this extension.

alac1984 commented 2 years ago

The problem was that I changed the nmap in mapping nnoremap to <Plugin>, and I didn't know that <Plugin> doesn't work with nnoremap.

yuki-uthman commented 2 years ago

Oh I am sorry I did not check my email for a few days!

I am glad it is working again!

Thank you for liking it :)