yuki-yano / fzf-preview.zsh

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fzf-tab #4

Open adelin-b opened 4 years ago

adelin-b commented 4 years ago

Hello ! Have you heard of fzf-tab ? It automatically convert any existing completion into fzf lists. I found your repo while trying to accomplish completion-type specifics previews (for example when completing vim I want to have a different preview if its a directory/textfile/image/binary/symlink) (Here is the wip issue that I opened here, and you will see its an attempt to do what fzf-preview do https://github.com/Aloxaf/fzf-tab/issues/79)

Im just opening this issue because I think you might enjoy it and have great ideas.

yuki-yano commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I do know about the fzf-tab. I don't think fzf is necessary to complement everything. fzf-tab replaces the general complement of zsh with fzf, whereas fzf-preview.zsh takes the approach of using fzf in specific situations. You can also bind the fzf completion to a different key than the completion. We will need to define a regular expression and set up a source, but we would like to make it more powerful with other features than completion.

Some of the things we are currently considering are the use of snippets and the automatic deployment of snippets. Some of them set the placeholder to snippet.


adelin-b commented 4 years ago

I don't think fzf is necessary to complement everything.

Im using it for a few month and I absolutely cannot do without now, I really enjoy your work on making fzf better and will inspire myself for a fzf-tab implementation

What do you hear by automatic deployment of snippets ? Is this related to how pet register and publish snippets ? I really enjoy this snippet concept, Im also using one like this inspired from https://github.com/pindexis/marker but with fzf

Peek 2020-05-04 13-35

Im a fan of fzf implementations so I try to collect as much idea about how it can be used around.

yuki-yano commented 4 years ago

I didn't know about pet and marker. Thank you. What I'm trying to achieve is very similar to marker.

automatic deployment of snippets

auto snippet expand (https://github.com/momo-lab/zsh-abbrev-alias)

I am thinking of integrating snippet into fzf. After the snippet is expanded, you can do a completion using fzf. Now you can narrow down the description of snippet from fzf and view the description of snippet as preview.

yuki-yano commented 4 years ago

If you're interested in my use of fzf, you can also check out fzf-preview.vim