yukieiji / UnityExplorer

An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
201 stars 14 forks source link

[Bug]: "Could not find any iCall" - BepInEx be.674 (Unity.IL2CPP.CoreCLR) #5

Closed Babyhamsta closed 10 months ago

Babyhamsta commented 10 months ago

Are you on the latest version of UnityExplorer?

Which release are you using?

BepInEx Unity IL2CPP CoreCLR

Which game did this occur on?


Describe the issue.

Ran into error while loading Unity Explorer in BepInEx (be.674) - Newest Edge release. image

Relevant log output

[Message: Preloader] BepInEx 6.0.0-be.674 - Polytoria Client
[Message: Preloader] Built from commit 82077ec7c91c97f0e5f8ada5d178fd7ece6c0099
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Windows 10 64-bit
[Info   :   BepInEx] Process bitness: 64-bit (x64)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity 2023.1.17f1
[Info   :   BepInEx] Runtime version: 6.0.7
[Info   :   BepInEx] Runtime information: .NET 6.0.7
[Info   : Preloader] 0 patcher plugins loaded
[Info   : Preloader] 0 assemblies discovered
[Message:AssemblyPatcher] Executing 0 patch(es)
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader initialized
[Warning:Il2CppInterop] Class::Init signatures have been exhausted, using a substitute!
[Info   :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type Il2CppInterop.Runtime.DelegateSupport+Il2CppToMonoDelegateReference in il2cpp domain
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 plugin to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [UnityExplorer 4.10.0]
[Message:UnityExplorer] UnityExplorer 4.10.0 initializing...
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] UniverseLib 1.5.4 initializing...
[Info   :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type UniverseLib.UniversalBehaviour in il2cpp domain
[Info   :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type UniverseLib.Runtime.Il2Cpp.Il2CppManagedEnumerator in il2cpp domain
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Finished UniverseLib initial setup.
[Info   :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type UnityExplorer.ExplorerBehaviour in il2cpp domain
[Message:UnityExplorer] Initialized UnityCrashPrevention for: Canvas.get_renderingDisplaySize
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Message:     Unity] ThreadLog initialized.
[Message:     Unity] Network mode set to Client
[Message:     Unity] ThreadedKcpTransport initialized!
[Message:     Unity] [T7] ThreadedKCP: started.
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)

[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Loaded Unhollowed modules in 0.555 seconds.
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Setup deobfuscation cache in 0.120000005 seconds.
[Message:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Initialized Legacy Input support
[Info   :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type UniverseLib.AssetBundle in il2cpp domain
[Warning:UnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Exception parsing Unity version, falling back to old AssetBundle load method...
[Error  :Il2CppInterop] Exception in IL2CPP-to-Managed trampoline, not passing it to il2cpp: System.MissingMethodException: Could not find any iCall from list of provided signatures starting with 'UnityEngine.AssetBundle::LoadFromMemory_Internal'!
   at UniverseLib.Runtime.Il2Cpp.ICallManager.GetICallUnreliable[T](String[] possibleSignatures)
   at UniverseLib.AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(Byte[] binary, UInt32 crc)
   at UniverseLib.UI.UniversalUI.LoadBundle(String id)
   at UniverseLib.UI.UniversalUI.LoadBundle()
   at UniverseLib.UI.UniversalUI.Init()
   at UniverseLib.Universe.SetupCoroutine()+MoveNext()
   at UniverseLib.Runtime.Il2Cpp.Il2CppManagedEnumerator.MoveNext()
   at Trampoline_ByteThisUniverseLib.Runtime.Il2Cpp.Il2CppManagedEnumeratorMoveNext(IntPtr , Il2CppMethodInfo* )
[Warning:     Unity] The character with Unicode value \U0001F383 was not found in the [Monsterrat Regular Shadow] font asset or any potential fallbacks. It was replaced by Unicode character \u25A1 in text object [GameName].
[Warning:     Unity] The character with Unicode value \U0001F383 was not found in the [Monsterrat Regular Shadow] font asset or any potential fallbacks. It was replaced by Unicode character \u25A1 in text object [GameName].
yukieiji commented 10 months ago

Are the other mods working properly? Especially mods that seem to have assets that exist.

Babyhamsta commented 10 months ago

Are the other mods working properly? Especially mods that seem to have assets that exist.

This is the only mod/plugin I have installed and have tried. (Unity Explorer)

Just an FYI, the Unity version from the unity_builtin_extra file reports: 2023.1.17f1 The game still loads fine but UnityExplorer never shows or opens.

yukieiji commented 10 months ago

There are several possible causes, please try the following

  1. reinstall the game and BepInEx(Because the initialization process of Il2Cpp may have failed)
  2. Try mods other than UnityExplorer(The game itself doesn't support mods, and some important methods may have been omitted at build time)
Babyhamsta commented 10 months ago

I tried reinstalling the game/BepInEx but that didn't work it provided the same error. I did test with my own plugin which does print and such, but I don't have much experience in making plugins to do what I want in-game. I am doing some testing now but there isn't a whole lot of information on the new edge templates / how to make mods for BepInEx.

I tried coding my own to loop through game objects but I think I referenced items wrong as I tried to use the items from interop folder as references for my plugin. Not sure if that is right but if I include the UnityEngine Core and ect then the game errors and never loads.

Such as this error:

[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ScriptDumper_Polytoria 1.0.0]
[Info   :ScriptDumper_Polytoria] Plugin ScriptDumper_Polytoria is loaded!
[Error  :   BepInEx] Error loading [ScriptDumper_Polytoria 1.0.0]: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Object.FindAnyObjectByType(System.Type)'.
   at ScriptDumper_Polytoria.Main.init()
   at ScriptDumper_Polytoria.Plugin.Load()
   at BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP.IL2CPPChainloader.LoadPlugin(PluginInfo pluginInfo, Assembly pluginAssembly) in /home/runner/work/BepInEx/BepInEx/Runtimes/Unity/BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP/IL2CPPChainloader.cs:line 134
   at BepInEx.Bootstrap.BaseChainloader`1.LoadPlugins(IList`1 plugins) in /home/runner/work/BepInEx/BepInEx/BepInEx.Core/Bootstrap/BaseChainloader.cs:line 411

When I attempt to call Unity Functions from my plugin.

yukieiji commented 10 months ago

Is it possible to attach the BepInEx logs from the first time it was started after reinstallation?

Also, other mods also don't work with methods around Unity, so I think that this game doesn't support the mod itself and drops the methods around Unity at build time.

Babyhamsta commented 10 months ago

Here is the full log from a fresh reinstall of BepInEx without any plugins:

[Message: Preloader] BepInEx 6.0.0-be.674 - Polytoria Client
[Message: Preloader] Built from commit 82077ec7c91c97f0e5f8ada5d178fd7ece6c0099
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Windows 10 64-bit
[Info   :   BepInEx] Process bitness: 64-bit (x64)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity 2023.1.17f1
[Info   :   BepInEx] Runtime version: 6.0.7
[Info   :   BepInEx] Runtime information: .NET 6.0.7
[Message:InteropManager] Downloading unity base libraries
[Message:InteropManager] Extracting downloaded unity base libraries
[Message:InteropManager] Running Cpp2IL to generate dummy assemblies
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Initializing Metadata...
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Using actual IL2CPP Metadata version 29.1
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Initialized Metadata in 149ms
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Using binary type Portable Executable (from LibCpp2IL)
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Searching Binary for Required Data...
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Got Binary codereg: 0x181798BE0, metareg: 0x181A7FE70 in 103ms.
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Initializing Binary...
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Initialized Binary in 108ms
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Mapping pointers to Il2CppMethodDefinitions...
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Library] Processed 65226 OK (46ms)
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Program] Creating application model...
[Info   :    Cpp2IL] [Program] Application model created in 681.8094ms
[Info   :InteropManager] Cpp2IL finished in 00:00:04.0486475
[Info   :InteropManager] Generating interop assemblies
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Reading assemblies...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0298707
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Reading unity assemblies...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0255031
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating rewrite assemblies...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0096136
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Computing renames...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0431480
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating typedefs...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0341902
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Computing struct blittability...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0371809
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Filling typedefs...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0410732
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Filling generic constraints...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0044208
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating members...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.8656675
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Scanning method cross-references...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.5880847
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Finalizing method declarations...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:01.0183181
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] 58 total potentially dead methods
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Filling method parameters...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.2473071
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating static constructors...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.3027218
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating value type fields...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0368260
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating enums...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0235866
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating IntPtr constructors...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.1105918
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating non-blittable struct constructors...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0101319
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating generic method static constructors...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0279160
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating field accessors...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.8534364
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Filling methods...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:01.2417977
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Generating implicit conversions...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0246224
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Creating properties...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0688930
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Unstripping types...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0311985
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Unstripping fields...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Restored 803 fields
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Failed to restore 2 fields
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0093245
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Unstripping methods...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Restored 20090 methods
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Failed to restore 1492 methods
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.4315341
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Unstripping method bodies...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] IL unstrip statistics: 7801 successful, 5718 failed
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.4121295
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Writing xref cache...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.7617340
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Writing assemblies...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.6071190
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Writing method pointer map...
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done in 00:00:00.0193597
[Info   :Il2CppInteropGen] Done!
[Info   : Preloader] 0 patcher plugins loaded
[Info   : Preloader] 0 assemblies discovered
[Message:AssemblyPatcher] Executing 0 patch(es)
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader initialized
[Warning:Il2CppInterop] Class::Init signatures have been exhausted, using a substitute!
[Info   :Il2CppInterop] Registered mono type Il2CppInterop.Runtime.DelegateSupport+Il2CppToMonoDelegateReference in il2cpp domain
[Info   :   BepInEx] 0 plugins to load
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Message:     Unity] ThreadLog initialized.
[Message:     Unity] Network mode set to Client
[Message:     Unity] ThreadedKcpTransport initialized!
[Message:     Unity] [T6] ThreadedKCP: started.
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)

[Warning:     Unity] The character with Unicode value \U0001F383 was not found in the [Monsterrat Regular Shadow] font asset or any potential fallbacks. It was replaced by Unicode character \u25A1 in text object [GameName].
[Warning:     Unity] The character with Unicode value \U0001F383 was not found in the [Monsterrat Regular Shadow] font asset or any potential fallbacks. It was replaced by Unicode character \u25A1 in text object [GameName].
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Message:     Unity] [Mirror] Connection Quality changed from ESTIMATING to FAIR:
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Error  :     Unity] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported.
[Warning:     Unity] Command System.Void PlayerDefaults::CmdLoadDefaults(Player) called on PlayerDefaults without authority.
Error initializing UnityScriptLoader : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.LoadResourcesWithReflection (System.String assetsPath) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
  at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector.GetDefaultScriptLoader () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
  at MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script..cctor () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
  at ScriptService+<RunScriptInstance>d__7.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
[Error  :     Unity] HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
[Message:     Unity] [Mirror] Connection Quality changed from FAIR to POOR:
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   BGM
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   BGMMuffled
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   DevilBGM
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     AudioWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   AudioWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   MainGUI
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   LoadingScreen
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   LoadLabel
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   LoadWave
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     LoadScreenS
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   LoadScreenS
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     VolumetricCloud
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   VolumetricCloud
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CandyCountContainer
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CandyFrame
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CandyCount
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CandyCShadow
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CandyExchange
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Actions
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Convert
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Nvm
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ScreenshotMark
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   WelcomePopup
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   How2Play
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   StartFishing
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Whiteout
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   UserModal
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CloseBtn
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CandyCount
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     MainGUIWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   MainGUIWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   NPCBubble
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   UIImage
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   UILabel
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     BubbleMain
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   BubbleMain
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParadeUI
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   FourKiClient
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Songs
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParadeWalk
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   MapInterpret
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Participants
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   KeyBindings
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Leave
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   UILabel
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ClickArea
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     ParadeGUIWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParadeGUIWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ExchangeTrigger
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     ExchangeTrigger
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ExchangeTrigger
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   FishZones
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     FishZones
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   FishZones
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ObbyParkour
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParkourSpawnpoint
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Triggers
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Elevator
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   HITTRIGGER
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Plates
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParkourDonePoints
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   UNANCTOUCHES
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   WoodLog
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   LavaPivot
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Lava
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   KillPar
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Goal
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Trigger1
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Trigger2
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Trigger3
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   Trigger4
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     ParkourLogic
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParkourLogic
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   RemoteNet
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   NetworkClientMain
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     NetworkClientMain
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   NetworkClientMain
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   HouseNPCs
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   MainGUI
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   AudioWorker
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     HouseClient
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   HouseClient
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     ParadeClient
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   ParadeClient
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     CaveEntrance
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   CaveEntrance
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Starting service:     DearNerds
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>] Waiting for   DearNerds
[Message:     Unity] Lua:
[Message:     Unity] Lua: --------------------------------------------
[Message:     Unity] Lua:       FORBIDDEN_BINAR01011001
[Message:     Unity] Lua:       LIBRE INSTRUCTION SET
[Message:     Unity] Lua:
[Message:     Unity] Lua:
01101000        01110100        01110100        01110000
01110011        00111010        00101111        00101111
01100100        01100101        01110110        01110000
01101001        01111000        01100101        01101100
01110011        00101110        01111000        01111001
01111010        00111111        01100100        00111101
[Message:     Unity] Lua:
[Message:     Unity] Lua: --------------------------------------------
[Message:     Unity] Lua: [<color=#FF7410>CLIENT SERVICE</color>]       All Services ready
[Message:     Unity] Lua: GUIACT        Started
Babyhamsta commented 10 months ago

I did test by modifying my references in my dll and did some more testing and I can get rid of the errors and call certain functions like warn and ect but I am having trouble accessing game objects. Like I said this is my first time doing something like this so I may be just doing it incorrectly.


[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 plugin to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ScriptDumper_Polytoria 1.0.0]
[Info   :ScriptDumper_Polytoria] Plugin ScriptDumper_Polytoria is loaded!
[Warning:     Unity] Starting Dumper! - Please standby..
[Info   :ScriptDumper_Polytoria] Main init has finished!

Example Code

public  void init()
    Debug.LogWarning("Starting Dumper! - Please standby..");
    foreach (BaseScript script in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<BaseScript>())
        Debug.Log("Dumping script: " + script.name);
        string path = "C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Roaming\\Polytoria\\Client\\1.3.44\\BepInEx\\plugins\\testplugin\\Scripts\\" + script.name + "_dump.txt";
        using (StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter(path))
Babyhamsta commented 10 months ago

I ended up just using HarmonyX to patch the functions I needed, you may want to look into it though as HarmonyX worked and I could reference params and ect but Unity Explorer didn't.

You can close this now if you'd like.

yukieiji commented 10 months ago

The logs don't indicate that the initialization process is failing, so I think the cause is that Unity functions are being deleted from the game side during the build process, and UnityExplorer is referencing them.

yukieiji commented 10 months ago

The basic C# library is provided by BepInEx, so it is possible to do as much as you can with that, but UnityExplorer requires Unity functions, so it would be difficult to make it work with this game.