yuksk / SIDAM

Analysis tools for spectroscopic imaging scanning tunneling microscopy / spectroscopy
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Can not load topography data of nanonis #36

Closed SatoAku closed 2 years ago

SatoAku commented 2 years ago

When I load STM topography data of nanonis(.sxm file), igor 8 shows "ConvertTextEncoding gave error : Unknown text encoding" and I cannot open the topography data. It can be caused by character code. My pc uses UTF-8.

yuksk commented 2 years ago

This error occurs when DefaultTextEncoding of Igor Pro returns V_defaultTextEncoding=0. There are two ways to solve this problem.

(1) Choose the text encoding used by the Nanonis software (likely UTF-8 in your case) from Menubar > Misc > Text Encoding > Default Text Encoding

This changes the default text encoding of Igor Pro and may influence other experiment files. Another way is

(2) Change text_encoding = "" in SIDAM.default.toml to text_encoding = "UTF-8" , and save it as written in SIDAM.default.toml. The file is under Igor Pro 9 User Files\User Procedures\SIDAM\ . If you do not know where Igor Pro 9 User Files is, see how to install.

If you do not know what happens when you change the default text encoding of Igor Pro, the second way is better.