Ideas welcome for other places to deploy this -- or should I just dockerize?
The Poetry configuration is invalid:
#11 15.20 - Additional properties are not allowed ('group' was unexpected)
i installed these using the poetry command though. Adding requires = ["poetry-core>=1.3"] to pyproject.toml didnt help.
Edit: Looking at logs more I see Railway is still installing an old version of poetry poetry-1.1.13 poetry-core-1.0.8, even after updating the pyproject.toml to explicitly specify 1.3
Ideas welcome for other places to deploy this -- or should I just dockerize?
Edit: Looking at logs more I see Railway is still installing an old version of poetry poetry-1.1.13 poetry-core-1.0.8, even after updating the pyproject.toml to explicitly specify 1.3
Posted to discord seems to be a known issue with no solution other than... delete the dev dependency group which I'm not stoked about: