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Sponsorblock not working #1822

Open g0r3 opened 1 year ago

g0r3 commented 1 year ago


since a couple of days sponsor block is only working sporadically. Most videos appear as if they don't have sponsors, while they have. The sponsor section won't be skipped

Has anyone an idea what's going on?

eiabea commented 1 year ago

I am having the same issue, the playback strip does not show any sections like "sponsor", "intro",...

Ep0chalypse commented 1 year ago

I was experiencing this tonight. No sponsor block sections were marked and skipped. I went to the settings and disabled then re enabled sponsor block and that made it start working again.

Edit: A hour or so later and the problem is happening again.

iissmart commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing this today. Checking the "use alternate server" option doesn't seem to make any difference.

DreazyBK commented 1 year ago

OK, now I'm having this issue. I think it started for me with the latest update. Gonna try installing an earlier version to see if that works

notamaiar commented 1 year ago

Also happening for me, just since yesterday. I had to log out in the app and when I logged back in, Sponsorblock had just stopped working.

rogerfar commented 1 year ago

I have this issue too, then I realized that it's not working either a the chrome extension on the desktop. I wonder if there is something up with sponsorblock itself.

rogerfar commented 1 year ago

Looks like sponsorblock is having some major issues https://status.sponsor.ajay.app/

Maysi2k commented 1 year ago

It's still not working. On the Firefox with add-ons it's works fine on my Subscribedvideos, bot on SYN it isn't working.

Also the "Alternative Proxy" make no difference.