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Freature Request: SponsorBlock Countdown #2170

Open wernerhp opened 1 year ago

wernerhp commented 1 year ago

Please add a new sponsor block preference that has a configurable countdown that can be cancelled before it skips over. Sometimes you don't want to skip it, but also don't want to manually skip everything with the "ask" preference.

e.g. Similar to the "Only skip" option, but shows a x second countdown before it skips and can be cancelled in that time by clicking.

Will be nice to know it's coming in 3...2....1 but you can cancel the skip segment or let the time run out to skip it

Love the new top left skip button.

drogga commented 1 year ago

@wernerhp is this related to\about the SponsorBlock, because there are preferences you can adjust, but most\some are set to "skip" by default, I've set mine to "ask".

...it's not clear what you mean, so I'm guessing, since you seem to not make a difference between "AD" and "Add", how's that possible - IDK, or maybe it's just a typo the second time you've wrote it... :D

wernerhp commented 1 year ago

Yes, related to SponsorBlock. I meant add as in create and ad as in advert/sponsor. I've updated the original post to hopefully be clearer.

github-monkey commented 1 year ago

A timer would be nice, to give an indication how long the segment is. Maybe like a mm:ss counter with a shortening circle around it. And a setting to ignore SponsorBlock sections shorter than X sections. Perhaps with a default like 2 seconds (a guess at when it takes more time to notice, process, press and skip the segment than to actually watch it.)