yuliskov / SmartTube

SmartTube - an advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
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Q: Mobile App UI #3441

Open xtools-at opened 2 weeks ago

xtools-at commented 2 weeks ago

heya, smarttube is hands down my favourite youtube client. in fact i do like it so much, i'd love to use it on my phone and tablet too.

newpipe is nice but is (purposefully) separated from all Google stuff, so no history or casting; revanced is a giant hack requiring one to run an extra microg instance, and gets bricked by Google regularly, so it needs to be repatched and -installed.

smarttube just works brilliantly (especially in combo with "ATV smart youtube bridge"), and I've tried to get it running on my phone too. unfortunately the ui is acting up just a bit too much to make it actually usable - which is to be expected since it's made for tv, but it was worth a try.

my question would be whether it would be interesting to have a mobile flavour of the app? i have a little Android dev experience so i'd look into it myself - but:

Thanks for all the hard work!

WolfganP commented 2 weeks ago

I add myself to the group of SmartTube happy users in tablet/phones (beside my tvboxes). It has its quirks on tablets but still my favorite YT client around.

There were several commits to improve functionality in touch in the past few months (see https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ayuliskov%2FSmartTube+touch&type=commits) that you may consider as a reference.

Aaaaaand.. I'll add my thanks as well!