yumata / lampa

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Difficulties in configuring own jackett server #160

Open CameloAzull opened 1 year ago

CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Hi there! I recently found out about jailbreaking WebOS and consequently Lampa. As I was already a Stremio user, I thought the proposal was very similar and I was excited, since I wanted software like this to use on my TV. However, I've been trying to configure the app for hours without success. The challenge: jackett. I already installed and created a server on my pc, but I don't know which links and apis to put in the app. I've tried several attempts following several tutorials, tutorials that are from other programs since I couldn't find any specific ones for the lamp. Could you explain to me what I should do? P.S.: Torrserver has already been installed and is working, there is no other problem, so much so that I had managed with a public jackett server, but all with Russian torrents (I am not Russian, nor do I speak the language) that is, it does not work for me. Thanks in advance for the answer.

777Raim commented 1 year ago

Hi! First of all you should know your PC IP address. Try open: your_pc_ip:9117 in a browser. If it works - good! In Parser settings (Lampa settings) you should paste IP: your_pc_ip:9117 (additional I put http:// on the start of input field) Next: api-key (you can see it on your_pc_ip:9117 in a PC browser) Done! Additional I increased Parser timeout to 60

And must works.

Screenshot_20221127-105449_Media Station X

P.s. Don't forget to add some torrent trackers on Jackett setting.

CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Hello, and thanks for the reply! But even so, it still gives an error, now another one: the parser is not responding to the request. Any idea what it could be?

777Raim commented 1 year ago

I had same error. I did:

  1. Increased Parser timeout to 60
  2. Enable External access in Jackett settings
  3. Enable Allow CORS in Jackett settings
CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Hi again! Unfortunately, it still keeps the error. I even tried to see if it was the error in the television's torrserver, I installed it on my PC to see if it changed, but it didn't. Any other solution?

777Raim commented 1 year ago

Hi! First of all force to work lampa with jackett on PC (in browser)

  1. Open http://lampa.mx in browser
  2. Open browser Inspector (F12 by default)
  3. In Inspector open Colsole tab
  4. Return to Lampa.mx tab
  5. Config Jackett in Lampa (TorrServer not need)
  6. Try to find Torrents via Lampa
  7. View log in Console for requests to Jackett
  8. Put log here
CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Hello there! Well, that's kind of weird... I did the procedure and got the same error. However, when I went to look at the console, it says that it was blocked by CORS policy, and I activated both options external access and allow CORS. I'll try to reinstall jackett to see if there are any errors in the installation. image image

CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Nope, it didn't work. Do you have any idea what it could be?

777Raim commented 1 year ago

It's my fault. If use Jackket with lampa.mx I have same error (CORS). Try git clone or download zip from this repo and open index.html on a browser. And take same steps in the Inspector

CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Worked, thank you! But only on the computer, on the WebOS app it still keeps the error. Do you know how to solve this problem in WebOS?

777Raim commented 1 year ago

Sorry, don't. I have Tizen widget, wich works. Try to install Media Station X app from App market and run lampa via it. I tried run Media Station X via browser - had redirect to lampa.mx and, as a consequence, had same issue. I think the main case is in CORS policy. And Media Station X somehow can bypass CORS

CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

I think my TV is prejudiced against Lampa, LOL. I did the whole procedure right and guess what? The same error. I'm starting to think about giving up... Any other ideas?

PS: It worked on my PC, as always the problem persists on WebOS.

777Raim commented 1 year ago

I found some info about access to Jackett via Chrome while visiting http://lampa.mx. I had CORS error too, but the error was in Chrome settings: Chrome by default all local requests sends via https (even if you sent it via http). Turned it off helped me (go to chrome://flags, find Block insecure private network requests and disable it) Maybe same issue is in your WebOS?

CameloAzull commented 1 year ago

Hi again! So I had thought about it. First I tried to configure it through the lg browser (which is based on chromium). I did not make it. I tried through the ssh server, but I couldn't connect. The default ssh password is alpine, as the RootMyTV page says here on Github, but does it say that the password is incorrect? Honestly, I don't know how I still have difficulties, I just wanted to pirate movies.... Well, can you help me?

777Raim commented 1 year ago

Hi! I'm sure the main problem in Chrome settings. There is the same enabled parameter in Chromium settings. Try in LG browser open chrome://flags. P.S. tried to look inside .ipk file - there is standalone web "site" (index.html same as you gitclone on PC) which opens via default LG browser engine (most likely Chromium).