yumcok / Stockapp

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Team #6

Open yumcok opened 3 months ago

yumcok commented 3 months ago

Minimum Team Requirements

  1. Backend Developer(s)

Responsibilities: API development, database management, server setup, security implementation. Skills: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB/PostgreSQL, JWT, integration with market data APIs, trading algorithms.

  1. Frontend Developer(s)

Responsibilities: User interface development, data visualization, state management, responsive design. Skills: React.js, Redux, HTML/CSS, Chart.js/D3.js, REST API integration.

  1. DevOps Engineer

Responsibilities: Infrastructure setup, deployment, CI/CD, monitoring, and scaling. Skills: AWS/GCP/Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins/CircleCI/GitHub Actions, security best practices.

  1. UI/UX Designer

Responsibilities: Designing user interfaces, user experience flows, and ensuring the app is user-friendly. Skills: Figma/Sketch/Adobe XD, user research, wireframing, prototyping.

  1. QA Engineer

Responsibilities: Testing the application, ensuring it is bug-free, and meets the requirements. Skills: Manual and automated testing, writing test cases, using tools like Selenium, Jest, Cypress.

  1. Recommended Team Size for an MVP -2 Backend Developers

They can focus on different aspects such as authentication, market data integration, and trading engine development.

-2 Frontend Developers

One can focus on UI components and state management, while the other focuses on data visualization and real-time updates.

-1 DevOps Engineer

Responsible for setting up the infrastructure, deployment pipelines, and ensuring the app scales as needed.

-1 UI/UX Designer

Design the user interfaces and ensure a smooth user experience.

Ensure the quality of the application through rigorous testing.

  1. Additional Roles (Optional, Depending on Budget and Complexity)

-Product Manager

To manage the project, ensure timelines are met, and act as a bridge between the business and technical teams.

-Compliance Officer

Especially important for a trading app to ensure all regulatory requirements are met.

-Data Analyst

To analyze user data, market trends, and provide insights for better decision-making.

  1. Timeline and Iterative Development

Initial Development (3-6 months)

Develop core features: authentication, market data integration, basic trading functionality, and user portfolio management.

Beta Testing and Feedback (2-3 months)

Release a beta version to a limited audience, collect feedback, and make necessary improvements.

Full Launch and Maintenance (Ongoing)

Continuous improvement, adding advanced features, scaling the infrastructure, and ensuring compliance.

Conclusion For an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), a team of around 7-8 developers (including frontend, backend, DevOps, UI/UX designer, and QA engineer) should be sufficient. As the project grows and becomes more complex, you can consider expanding the team to include additional roles such as product managers, compliance officers, and data analysts.