Unified enhancements in responsiveness and CSS optimizations across PageLogin, PageRegister, PageLanding, PageEditProfile, PagePet, and PageAddPet, ensuring a seamless user interface.
Restructured PagePet owner/caretaker display, and redesigned modal confirm button for enhanced interaction.
Adopted a centered layout approach in PageNotFound, offering a more polished experience for 404 encounters.
Relocated the "Add Pet" button within PageHome to improve navigational flow and accessibility.
Standardized UI components by replacing custom text-center implementations with Ionic's ion-text-center class.
Removed redundant ion-page element from App.vue.
Refactored global CSS and component-specific styles, focusing on clarity, maintainability, and a cohesive aesthetic throughout the application.
, andPageAddPet
, ensuring a seamless user interface.PagePet
owner/caretaker display, and redesigned modal confirm button for enhanced interaction.PageNotFound
, offering a more polished experience for 404 encounters.PageHome
to improve navigational flow and accessibility.ion-text-center
element fromApp.vue