Closed araditiya closed 1 year ago
May I know, how you can visualize annual LOS in GIS format (including color bar) for each orbit as shown in your paper (2021) ?
The --sin
option of can output the amplitude and time offset of the annual component.
Thank you for your great assistance. I completed getting the results. However, I didn't see the raster legend for each geotiff file. Could you help us with this case?
is in mm and dt
is in day (time difference wrt Jan 1).
Sorry for my unclear question. I meant there is no range value or raster legend when geotiff is imported to arcgis/qgis. It looks like DEM data if we import to gis.
I cannot understand your situation. Can you show me the screenshot or video?
Please find the picture file as attached.
Did you use The output GeoTIFF from it only contain color information, not numerical values. You should use the output of to get the numerical values.
Ok. It has been resolved. Anyway, how to remove vertical lines (GAP) when we plot using LiCSBAS_plot_ts command ?
There is no option to remove the vertical line, but I guess you can do it by comment out the line below.
Is there any standard or template of the colour ramp as you did in gis apps ?
Please see the usage of
and the links there:
Almost perfect, however, I can't save to kmz file after get following error
saka@xps8930:~/work$ -i 20160109_20221227.vel -p EQA.dem_par --kmz 20160109_20221227 ver1.11.0 20210205 Y. Morishita -i 20160109_20221227.vel -p EQA.dem_par --kmz 20160109_20221227
/usr/lib/python3.8/ UserWarning: Duplicate name: '20160109_20221227'
return self._open_to_write(zinfo, force_zip64=force_zip64)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/saka/LiCSBAS/bin/", line 317, in
--kmz 20160109_20221227
should be like --kmz 20160109_20221227.vel.kmz
Thanks, it works. I expect it should be add "mm" on the color bar. Anyway, will you plan to make licsbas possible process palsar-2, at least for slc format ?
LiCSBAS is the time series analysis software using unwrapped images and can already process ALOS-2 data (or any other satellite's data) if unwrapped images are ready.
Hey Morishita I was trying to draw contours but I keep getting this error although the file exist. Also, without downsampling the resolution is ~100 m but how to find the resolution of the resulted LOS displacement and velocity if downsampling was used? Finally, how to know the stable reference point used in step1-3 and its coordinates? can it be displayed in a .txt file?
The resolution can be found in info/EQA.dem_par
and the reference point information can be found in info/13ref.txt
and info/13ref.kml
Thank you. what about the contour error?
I see the folder name results/Today
, not results
No the word today is a filter I used it to make it easier to show the files I want to contour it because the folder has a large number of files.
I think the suffix .tif
is not shown in the explore. Check the full name by ls
and try e.g., vel.mskd.geo.tif
It worked! If I want to produce a txt file of time series of displacement using but for the whole area (or clipped area) instead of a point will this be possible?
You can iterate for all the points you want though it would not be a realistic solution if the number of points is huge. Currently, LiCSBAS has no function to export all the time series to the text format at a time. Exporting all the epochs to GeoTIFF and converting the GeoTIFF to txt would be the easiest way.
Hello! I have a question about your previous comment. How can I export all the epochs to Geotiff from LicSBAS? With the and where I can found all the epochs? Thank you in advance! and can do it. All the epochs can be found in info/13used_image.txt.
Hi, How I can get result in geotiff format with GMT.polar option from float file ?
Sorry but I don't know. Maybe there is a function in GMT to convert geotiff.
Sorry but I don't know. Maybe there is a function in GMT to convert geotiff.
How you can make vertical result with colour (blue to red) as shown your paper for each pictures ?
You mean the color map! I thought GMT.polar meant a kind of map projection.
I used QGIS where various color maps are available to make figures.
You can also create colored GeoTIFF using with -c GMT.polar
after creating data GeoTIFF from a float file by
You mean the color map! I thought GMT.polar meant a kind of map projection. I used QGIS where various color maps are available to make figures. You can also create colored GeoTIFF using with
-c GMT.polar
after creating data GeoTIFF from a float file by
Thank you for making licsbas more enjoyable.
I guess you used varidis for annual LOS of each frame. What about the vertical deformation velocity ? I'd glad if you can share the .txt template as you used.
I used SCM.vik in Scientific colour maps.
I can't load colour map use file vik.txt at qgis. It looks error or unrecognized format.
The text file is not in QGIS format. You can download the XML for QGIS in the Scientific color maps. Please see p12 in
The text file is not in QGIS format. You can download the XML for QGIS in the Scientific color maps. Please see p12 in
I did, thanks your support as always. Furthermore, do you know on how this works ( generate LOS without same reference point for whole continental scale ? On p4, it mentioned each frame has its own independent reference point for velocity determination. It looks as different work-flow as yours (2021).
It used GNSS data in the post-processing as written in the paper. Please read the paper and related references.
Hi Morishita,
A similar problem appears in the new machine (ubuntu 20.04). I still can't plot using the left click. It is totally similar to previous post, Hfff... it is strange.