yumorishita / LiCSBAS2

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Environment #46

Closed rofiaini closed 3 months ago

rofiaini commented 3 months ago

I have a questions about LiCSBAS 2

  1. what environment is used and installation steps such as LiCSBAS ver 1 ?
  2. For p05_clip_range_geo is right "LonMin/LonMax/LatMin/LatMax" ?
  3. I'm trying to run LiCSBAS2 use the environment setting from LiCSBAS installation step but the result is error. LiCSBAS05op_clip_unw.py ver1.2.5 20210105 Y. Morishita LiCSBAS05op_clip_unw.py -i GEOCml1 -o GEOCml1clip -g 106.57/107.02/-6.70/-6.34 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/LiCSBAS/bin/LiCSBAS05op_clip_unw.py", line 345, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/LiCSBAS/bin/LiCSBAS05op_clip_unw.py", line 161, in main width = int(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'range_samples')) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/LiCSBAS/LiCSBAS_lib/LiCSBAS_io_lib.py", line 236, in get_param_par value = subp.check_output(['grep', field,mlipar]).decode().split()[1].strip() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/miniconda3/envs/licsbas/lib/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 466, in check_output return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout, check=True, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/miniconda3/envs/licsbas/lib/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 571, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['grep', 'range_samples', '/mnt/d/047D_09652_111009/GEOCml1/slc.mli.par']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
yumorishita commented 3 months ago
  1. Same as LiCSBAS ver1
  2. Yes
  3. The error is because /mnt/d/047D_09652_111009/GEOCml1/slc.mli.par does not have required information (range_samples)
rofiaini commented 3 months ago

/mnt/d/047D_09652_111009/GEOCml1/slc.mli.par does not have required information (range_samples)

sorry, so what should I do? For file batch_LiCSBAS.sh only edit start and end date and p05_clip_range_geo right?

yumorishita commented 3 months ago

Please upload slc.mli.par.

rofiaini commented 3 months ago


Sorry, I can't upload files in .par format, so I sent a screenshot with size 0 kb and when opened using Notepad++ the contents were empty

yumorishita commented 3 months ago

Maybe step02 failed to create it. Please remove slc.mli.par and rerun from step02.

rofiaini commented 3 months ago

Hi, I have trying to remove slc.mli.par file and then rerun from step 2. Here the result and still has an error.

Create unw and cc 931/931 unw and cc already exist. Skip

Create slc.mli.par Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/liCSBAS/bin/LiCSBAS02_ml_prep.py", line 453, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/home/rofiatulainiyah/liCSBAS/bin/LiCSBAS02_ml_prep.py", line 325, in main print('range_samples: {}'.format(width), file=f) ^^^^^ UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'width' where it is not associated with a value

rofiaini commented 3 months ago

here my module

(licsbas) rofiatulainiyah@MSI:~/liCSBAS$ LiCSBAS_check_install.py

Python version: 3.12.2 OK

Check required modues and versions astropy(5.3.4) OK bs4(4.12.2) OK h5py(3.9.0) OK matplotlib(3.8.0) OK numpy(1.26.4) OK psutil(5.9.0) OK requests(2.31.0) OK statsmodels(0.14.0) OK gdal(3.6.2) OK

yumorishita commented 3 months ago

Please remove GEOCml1 and rerun from step02.

rofiaini commented 3 months ago

Hi, my problem is solved. Before I used env LiCSBAS ver 1 for running LiCSBAS2. When I change to new env for LiCSBAS2, the script was successfully executed to the end. Thank you so much for your help and your awesome script.