yun-liu / RCF

Richer Convolutional Features for Edge Detection
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about the singlescale #34

Open 81961916 opened 6 years ago

81961916 commented 6 years ago

你好,我在运行RCF-singlescale.ipynb的时候出现了错误 NameError: name 'time' is not defined 请问怎么解决呀

yun-liu commented 6 years ago

应该不会有这个问题,除非你改了代码。第一段代码中有 import time,time是python自带的模块。

81961916 commented 6 years ago

我这第一段代码也有import time

81961916 commented 6 years ago

现在好了,不过ipython notebook出现The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.是什么情况呀

yun-liu commented 6 years ago

这个我也不清楚,你可以重启下试试,或者去查查ipython notebook相关的问题。

81961916 commented 6 years ago


yun-liu commented 6 years ago

Titan X上,大概每秒能跑30张图片

81961916 commented 6 years ago

上面那个问题我找到解决办法了,把caffe.set_mode_gpu()改为caffe.set_mode_cpu()就ok了,因为我看注释写的是remove the following two lines if testing with cpu所以一开始就把下面两行注释掉了,结果就出错了

81961916 commented 6 years ago

你好,我在跑RCF-singlescale-NYUD.ipynb的时候又出现了The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.的问题,跑RCF-singlescale.ipynb和RCF-multiscale.ipynb都没有问题 我是在cpu only的模式

yun-liu commented 6 years ago
