yunruse / Noether

Just another units package
MIT License
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Compatibility: dataclass(slots=True) not available in Python 3.9 or below #27

Closed yunruse closed 1 year ago

yunruse commented 1 year ago

In keeping with #22, the unit-testing was extended via GitHub Actions to those available (3.7 through 3.11).

Unfortunately, a job on Python 3.9 seems to have failed:

File "/home/runner/work/Noether/Noether/noether/core/", line 11, in <module>
    @dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True, order=True)
TypeError: dataclass() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slots'

It seems slots is only 3.10 and above. This is used in DimInfo and Measure.

yunruse commented 1 year ago

Fixed, though it seems 3.8 has its own shenanigans with unittest that need fixing for #22 to be finished off.