yunshengtian / ASAP

[ICRA 2024] ASAP: Automated Sequence Planning for Complex Robotic Assembly with Physical Feasibility
MIT License
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Seg fault when running sequence planning on beam assembly #6

Open LordGorgon opened 1 month ago

LordGorgon commented 1 month ago

I'm getting an assertion failure when attempting to run sequence planning on the beam assembly:

(asap) ~/ASAP$ python plan_sequence/ --dir beam_assembly --id original --planner dfs --generator heur-out --max-gripper 2 --base-part 6 --log-dir logs/beam_seq --early-term

python: /home/ubuntu/ASAP/simulation/redmax/Simulation.cpp:1108: void redmax::Simulation::forward(int, bool, bool): Assertion `(q - _q_his[_q_his.size() - 1]).norm() < 1e-7 && (qdot - _qdot_his[_qdot_his.size() - 1]).norm() < 1e-7' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

I followed all the other steps to build redmax and the conda environments. What could be causing this?

yunshengtian commented 1 month ago

Hi, someone has posted a similar issue in my previous Assemble-Them-All repo and we haven't figured out the exact reason: But you can just comment out the assertion line and rebuild the simulation using python install and see if you can still get something reasonable.