yunusga / postcss-sort-media-queries

PostCSS plugin for sorting and combining CSS media queries with mobile-first / desktop-first methodologies.
MIT License
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Sort parameter issue #20

Closed sgurin closed 4 years ago

sgurin commented 4 years ago


Thanks a lot for such a useful plugin. I faced with issue when variable sort: 'desktop-first' is undefined in my build and plugin works without any issues. It doesn't arrange in the correct order only combine media queries in groups. Of course it my fault that I forgot to pass the correct variable. But there should be some foolproof. For example checks variable for undefined and NULL and reset to the default value mobile-first in that case.

yunusga commented 4 years ago

Why GitHub not send notifications about new Issues?!

@sgurin How sort: 'desktop-first' torned out undefined? Do you have any examples of code?

sgurin commented 4 years ago

Hi, we have already fixed that in PR So, we just forgot to define sorType: '' when we called function in our build task

Kassaila commented 4 years ago

Hello, there. I fix the problem for our mistake (and posible mistake) in your plugin and create PR #22

yunusga commented 4 years ago

@Kassaila published in 1.4.23