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Supplements for Root Gap of Grammar Terms (incl. Remodeling) #2

Open ryanlo713 opened 5 months ago

ryanlo713 commented 5 months ago

Since the current lexicon doc still has outdated grammatical terms and missing roots that should exist, I added some and re-patterned them to make everything more regular.

I removed the two roots for “concatenated root/stem” and re-assigned them. They were inherited from the “incorporated” ones, and now there is concatenation status, so they are unnecessary.

Here're my newly assigned roots. The patterns should look more regular than shown in the current lexicon doc.

Morphosyntactical Categories / Part of speech / Morphological Structure (bare, L- & Ř- classes)

lexical root
lexical stem
concatenation status
concatenation type
FRAMED Relation

VxCs affix
VxCs affix-type
VxCs affix-degree
formative (part of speech)
adjunct (part of speech)
referential (part of speech)
register (adjunct)
modular adjunct
Specialized Cs-Root
“Specialized Personal-Reference” Root

Slot (with category+PUR for "a specific slot for ...", e.g. Cr = slot root-PUR)
Ca Complex Slot
VnCn Modular Slot
Vr Complex Slot
Vv Complex Slot
Vk Complex Slot

VnCn Modular, Context and Vc/Vf/Vk Categories (R- class)

case or format
case-accessor affix, or inverse case-accessor affix, (used as warmmpa ëi[CsVx]’ve, use its Type-2 form)
bias category
illocution category
validation category
mood category
context category
aspect category
effect category
level category
phase category
valence category

Ca and Other Categories (-Ţ- class)

essence category
perspective category
extension category
configuration category
plexity category
similarity catetgory
separability category
affiliation category
version category
function category
specification category


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