yurijmikhalevich / rclip

AI-Powered Command-Line Photo Search Tool
MIT License
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feat: add option to rclip to save the topk images to a directory #115

Open rebelzion opened 2 months ago

rebelzion commented 2 months ago

Goal Sometimes I want to find certain objects and it can't be done in one go with rclip, but instead I need to apply rclip multiple times in succession.


yurijmikhalevich commented 2 months ago

Hi @rebelzion. Thank you for the suggestion; I'll consider it.

Right now, you can solve this by piping rclip output to cp. rclip -f is designed to make rclip output pipe'able into other commands. For example, you can achieve what you want with:

mkdir target-dir
rclip -f -t 3 cat | xargs -i -d '\n' cp {} target-dir

Replace xargs with gxargs if you are using macOS (gxargs can be installed with brew).