yurikrupnik / angular-playground-full

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Dependency Dashboard #22

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm babel-preset-es2015 Unavailable
npm grunt-filerev Unavailable
npm grunt-ng-annotate Unavailable
npm istanbul Unavailable
npm karma-phantomjs-launcher Unavailable
npm phantomjs-prebuilt Unavailable
npm time-grunt Unavailable


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

package.json - `babel-polyfill ^6.7.2` - `babel-runtime ^6.6.1` - `body-parser ^1.13.3` - `composable-middleware ^0.3.0` - `compression ^1.5.2` - `cookie-parser ^1.3.5` - `ejs ^2.3.3` - `errorhandler ^1.4.2` - `express ^4.13.3` - `express-jwt ^3.0.0` - `express-sequelize-session 0.4.0` - `express-session ^1.11.3` - `jsonwebtoken ^5.0.0` - `lodash ^4.11.1` - `lusca ^1.3.0` - `method-override ^2.3.5` - `morgan ~1.7.0` - `passport ~0.3.0` - `passport-facebook ^2.0.0` - `passport-google-oauth20 ^1.0.0` - `passport-local ^1.0.0` - `passport-twitter ^1.0.3` - `sequelize ^3.5.1` - `serve-favicon ^2.3.0` - `socket.io ^1.3.5` - `socket.io-client ^1.3.5` - `socketio-jwt ^4.2.0` - `sqlite3 ~3.1.1` - `autoprefixer ^6.0.0` - `babel-core ^6.6.5` - `babel-register ^6.6.5` - `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties ^6.6.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-runtime ^6.6.0` - `babel-preset-es2015 ^6.6.0` - `grunt ^1.0.1` - `grunt-wiredep ^2.0.0` - `grunt-concurrent ^2.0.1` - `grunt-contrib-clean ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-concat ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-copy ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-cssmin ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-imagemin ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-jshint ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-uglify ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-watch ^1.0.0` - `grunt-contrib-less ^1.2.0` - `grunt-babel ~6.0.0` - `grunt-google-cdn ~0.4.0` - `grunt-jscs ^2.1.0` - `grunt-newer ^1.1.1` - `grunt-ng-annotate ^2.0.1` - `grunt-ng-constant ^2.0.1` - `grunt-filerev ^2.3.1` - `grunt-usemin ^3.0.0` - `grunt-env ~0.4.1` - `grunt-node-inspector ^0.4.1` - `grunt-nodemon ^0.4.0` - `grunt-angular-templates ^1.0.3` - `grunt-dom-munger ^3.4.0` - `grunt-protractor-runner ^2.0.0` - `grunt-injector ^0.6.0` - `grunt-karma ~0.12.0` - `grunt-build-control ^0.7.0` - `jit-grunt ~0.10.0` - `grunt-express-server ^0.5.1` - `grunt-postcss ~0.8.0` - `grunt-open ~0.2.3` - `time-grunt ^1.2.1` - `grunt-mocha-test ~0.12.7` - `grunt-mocha-istanbul ^4.0.2` - `open ~0.0.4` - `jshint-stylish ~2.1.0` - `connect-livereload ^0.5.3` - `istanbul ~0.4.1` - `chai ^3.2.0` - `sinon ^1.16.1` - `chai-as-promised ^5.1.0` - `chai-things ^0.2.0` - `karma ~0.13.3` - `karma-firefox-launcher ~0.1.6` - `karma-script-launcher ~0.2.0` - `karma-chrome-launcher ~0.2.0` - `karma-requirejs ~0.2.2` - `karma-jade-preprocessor 0.0.11` - `karma-phantomjs-launcher ~1.0.0` - `karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor ~0.2.0` - `karma-spec-reporter ~0.0.20` - `sinon-chai ^2.8.0` - `mocha ^2.2.5` - `jasmine-core ^2.3.4` - `karma-jasmine ~0.3.0` - `jasmine-spec-reporter ^2.4.0` - `karma-babel-preprocessor ^6.0.1` - `requirejs ~2.2.0` - `phantomjs-prebuilt ^2.1.4` - `proxyquire ^1.0.1` - `supertest ^1.1.0` - `node ^4.4.0` - `npm ^6.0.0`
.travis.yml - `node 4.2.3`

secure-code-warrior-for-github[bot] commented 2 years ago

Micro-Learning Topic: SQL injection (Detected by phrase)

Matched on "sqli"

What is this? (2min video)

This is probably one of the two most exploited vulnerabilities in web applications and has led to a number of high profile company breaches. It occurs when an application fails to sanitize or validate input before using it to dynamically construct a statement. An attacker that exploits this vulnerability will be able to gain access to the underlying database and view or modify data without permission.

Try this challenge in Secure Code Warrior