yurikrupnik / mussia8

Mussia8 base project monorepo poc for api gateway
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[Snyk] Security upgrade next from 11.1.0 to 12.0.8 #387

Open yurikrupnik opened 1 month ago

yurikrupnik commented 1 month ago

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project.

#### Changes included in this PR - Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version: - packages/ui/clients/alfred/package.json - packages/ui/clients/alfred/package-lock.json #### Vulnerabilities that will be fixed ##### With an upgrade: Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- ![high severity](https://res.cloudinary.com/snyk/image/upload/w_20,h_20/v1561977819/icon/h.png "high severity") | **661/1000**
**Why?** Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Uncontrolled resource consumption
[SNYK-JS-BRACES-6838727](https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-BRACES-6838727) | Yes | No Known Exploit (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.
Commit messages
Package name: next The new version differs by 250 commits.
  • d7a96d2 v12.0.8
  • df0e899 v12.0.8-canary.22
  • d291aa9 Refactor data fetching API docs (#30615)
  • b6b7d85 Docs: correct ignorance pattern for .env.local (#32647)
  • 36eba95 Fixes #33153: Updating cross-references from master to main + canary (#33198)
  • 0de8447 v12.0.8-canary.21
  • 57a8705 Add util for normalizing errors (#33159)
  • 2d0fd34 Fix broken yarn pnp (#32867)
  • 9836429 drop dynamic import with `ssr: false` on server-side (#32606)
  • 600f113 next-swc: fix ssg code elimination when used in render (#32709)
  • 5f4947e Add Caveats section to custom error page (#33160)
  • 3eabb7f v12.0.8-canary.20
  • 4aa9879 Allow dependencies to use environment variables in middlewares (#33141)
  • f0ad19a use a separate webpack runtime for middleware (#33134)
  • 8ae08b9 No info on environment variables in the src folder (#33110) (#33136)
  • 213f5a4 docs: minor text-copy cleanup (#33120)
  • 87dbd03 Update swc (#33063)
  • 320986a Update next.config.js (#33091)
  • 3861e4b Adding Asset Component for Rich Text Renderer (#32503)
  • e5e04c9 Update using-mdx.md (#33077)
  • aeb67cc v12.0.8-canary.19
  • 6f5bfc1 Fix middleware at root in standalone mode (#33053)
  • efabf81 Add util for generating new tests/error documents (#33001)
  • 48c0bc8 Remove extra config from tailwind example (#33062)
See the full diff
Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project. ------------ **Note:** *You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.* For more information: 🧐 [View latest project report](https://app.snyk.io/org/yurikrupnik-plq/project/e660b6b4-487f-4f8f-a80b-9366e5d75a80?utm_source=github&utm_medium=referral&page=fix-pr) 🛠 [Adjust project settings](https://app.snyk.io/org/yurikrupnik-plq/project/e660b6b4-487f-4f8f-a80b-9366e5d75a80?utm_source=github&utm_medium=referral&page=fix-pr/settings) 📚 [Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic](https://support.snyk.io/hc/en-us/articles/360003891078-Snyk-patches-to-fix-vulnerabilities) [//]: # (snyk:metadata:{"prId":"9f087220-3a25-4bf4-90dd-500408671353","prPublicId":"9f087220-3a25-4bf4-90dd-500408671353","dependencies":[{"name":"next","from":"11.1.0","to":"12.0.8"}],"packageManager":"npm","projectPublicId":"e660b6b4-487f-4f8f-a80b-9366e5d75a80","projectUrl":"https://app.snyk.io/org/yurikrupnik-plq/project/e660b6b4-487f-4f8f-a80b-9366e5d75a80?utm_source=github&utm_medium=referral&page=fix-pr","type":"auto","patch":[],"vulns":["SNYK-JS-BRACES-6838727"],"upgrade":["SNYK-JS-BRACES-6838727"],"isBreakingChange":true,"env":"prod","prType":"fix","templateVariants":["updated-fix-title","priorityScore"],"priorityScoreList":[661],"remediationStrategy":"vuln"}) --- **Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:** 🦉 [Uncontrolled resource consumption](https://learn.snyk.io/lesson/redos/?loc=fix-pr)