yurikrupnik / mussia8

Mussia8 base project monorepo poc for api gateway
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[DepShield] (CVSS 7.5) Vulnerability due to usage of postcss:7.0.35 #67

Open sonatype-depshield[bot] opened 3 years ago

sonatype-depshield[bot] commented 3 years ago


DepShield reports that this application's usage of postcss:7.0.35 results in the following vulnerability(s):


postcss:7.0.35 is a transitive dependency introduced by the following direct dependency(s):

rollup-plugin-postcss:4.0.0         └─ cssnano:4.1.11               └─ cssnano-preset-default:4.0.8                     └─ css-declaration-sorter:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ cssnano-util-raw-cache:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-calc:7.0.5                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-colormin:4.0.3                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-convert-values:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-discard-comments:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-discard-duplicates:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-discard-empty:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-discard-overridden:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-merge-longhand:4.0.11                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                           └─ stylehacks:4.0.3                                 └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-merge-rules:4.0.3                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-minify-font-values:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-minify-gradients:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-minify-params:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-minify-selectors:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-charset:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-display-values:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-positions:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-repeat-style:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-string:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-timing-functions:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-unicode:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-url:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-normalize-whitespace:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-ordered-values:4.1.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-reduce-initial:4.0.3                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-reduce-transforms:4.0.2                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-svgo:4.0.3                           └─ postcss:7.0.35                     └─ postcss-unique-selectors:4.0.1                           └─ postcss:7.0.35               └─ postcss:7.0.35

stylelint:13.13.1         └─ postcss-less:3.1.4               └─ postcss:7.0.35         └─ postcss-safe-parser:4.0.2               └─ postcss:7.0.35         └─ postcss-sass:0.4.4               └─ postcss:7.0.35         └─ postcss-scss:2.1.1               └─ postcss:7.0.35         └─ autoprefixer:9.8.6               └─ postcss:7.0.35         └─ postcss:7.0.35         └─ sugarss:2.0.0               └─ postcss:7.0.35

This is an automated GitHub Issue created by Sonatype DepShield. Details on managing GitHub Apps, including DepShield, are available for personal and organization accounts. Please submit questions or feedback about DepShield to the Sonatype DepShield Community.

secure-code-warrior-for-github[bot] commented 3 years ago

Micro-Learning Topic: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption (CWE 400)

The software does not properly control the allocation and maintenance of a limited resource thereby enabling an actor to influence the amount of resources consumed, eventually leading to the exhaustion of available resources.

Try this challenge in Secure Code Warrior

sonatype-depshield[bot] commented 2 years ago

DepShield reports that the following additional vulnerability(s) have been discovered for postcss:7.0.35: